Forty Three

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March 22 

"Alpha Saoirse," Said Obsidian. "May we enter your territory?" 

Saoirse's head began to spin. Alpha? Only then did she realize she had said that aloud. "But I'm no Alpha," She said surely. 

But she was. As the lone survivor of Oak's pack with no members to banish her, she remained an Alpha since the second she killed him. 

An Alpha of a pack of one. Saoirse turned to gaze at the far end of the field, huts and cabins blurry in her peripherals. Alpha of a pack of one with all of this land. If she was an Alpha, then she was just like Obsidian now. Equal to. And no one told Obsidian what to do. Not even his brothers. 

HIs brothers! Saoirse's mind screeched inside her head, quickly racing through her thoughts. 

No one could tell Saoirse what to do anymore. She could have all of this land just for her and Gabby. Not even the brother-wolves could cross the territory boundary without trespassing, punishable by death . . .  [Law,. P.] They had to ask for permission, and Saoirse had to grant that permission. 

But what if she didn't? If she were to deny them said access? 

She was unprotected from the Mate-Killers, whom were surely nearby. She wasn't protected from anyone, at all. There were no wolves under her command, as each one of them lay freshly dead in the hills of snow. Would Obsidian Challenge her? Would he kill her? 

Osias had to murder his own killer-mate, for the survival of his pack. Saoirse was smart enough to know the brothers wouldn't just give up Oak's land to her. She had to comply. She had to play the game where the wolves offered her a choice, but there was only one right answer. And it was their right answer, not hers. 

I'm never getting out of this fucking game, am I? Saoirse thought strongly to herself. 

She hadn't asked to become Alpha of Oak's Territory. It was never her intention, however being free of the hierarchy was not a down side. Meaning it wasn't a game she was going to entirely hate. 

Saoirse knew she looked frightened and scared when she looked into his eyes. The whole scenario was terrifying, for she had just looked into the empty eye sockets of eight women who had been tortured to death. She felt her hands shiver in the spring breeze, but her skin was warm. 

Play his game, Saoirse, She was strict to remind herself. 

Her head was shaking. "Y-Yess. . . Yes." 

First to rise to his towering height, Obsidian paced over to Saoirse. His nearness began to cool her skin and calm her nerves. 

"Alpha," One of the warriors known to be Ryse with his light blond hair spoke up. "How is that possible? It would mean-"

"It would mean Alpha Oak was killed," Obsidian interrupted him. He paused for a second, counting heart beats to confirm they were still alone, noticing the quicker pace of her own. Obsidian gently placed his hand over her shoulder blade, tucking back dark wild curls all the while letting his fingertips gaze the nape of her neck. Saoirse felt her heart kick up and fought to drum it alongside Obsidian's, steady steady steady. "After signing the Alpha's Law for Oak last night, Alpha Saoirse Challenged my brother and was successful." 

Saoirse's heart drummed steadily as she heard Obsidian blatantly lie to his brother-wolves. There had not been a Challenge, but a murder. Saoirse straightened her back as she realized she had been used. They could not have fought the battle they prepared for without Saoirse's permission to cross the land, or else it would have been trespassing. She straightened her back from his hand, thinking Fair game, Alpha, and her eyes said it too as she watched him lie and lie and lie. 

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