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"come onn Kagi-Uraaaaaaaaa.... just pose so I could paint youuuuu~~~" Gonzaburou whinned trying to get his friend to pose. Akira glared and tried to run away but then he bump into someone. "I'm sorry" Akira apologize running away again as Gonzaburou whinned stomping his feet in the ground as if he was a kid who didn't get what he wanted. Yoshikazu frowned and said "stop it you two... it's embarrassing" "I just wanted to paint him as my projectttttt or else I'll get scolded again" Gonzaburou said gloomily but then he suddenly put on a grin and said "well I guess it doesn't matter.... Kure-Sawa... can you be my model pweaseeeee🥺🥺" "fine fine... my girlfriend will love it anyways" Tasuku replied eyes still on phone due to the fact that his girlfriend is chatting him. They're currently in a park as it's where they usually stay after school to hung out. "are you going to paint the guy in your dream again Miyano?" Gonzaburou ask as Yoshikazu nodded sighing......"well it can't be helped" Gonzaburou chooses not to ask more. "fucking idiots... asking me to fight them but run away" an orange haired dude said and a laugh was followed and then someone said "d-dude pfttt hagagah... t-the look in their eyes-HahHah, it is funny to watch" "you're creepy" another deep voice said as someone scolded "Sasaki you're already college.... stop picking fights" "I'm not picking fights.... they're the one who picks fight" the orange dude defended. Yoshikazu recognized two of them. Hirano, Taiga and Hanzawa, Masato. Akira came back after running away (even if no one is chasing him). Akira's face lit up... he called out waving his hands "Hirano-san!" "ehh Kagi-kun?" the blonde on the other group asks as he walk towards Akira. "Hirano-sempai? how do you know Kagiura?" Yoshikazu asked as Taiga answered "we're roommates so.." "yoo Miyano" A brunette called out as the said boy smiled "Hanzawa-sempai!" "the one and only" Masato said bowing. Gonzaburou deadpan not knowing whoever these people is. "oh.. Hirano-sempai" Tasuku said getting off the phone. "oh well I have to go now byee Miyano and uhm everyone....? anyways bye" Gonzaburou hurriedly walk away after receiving a text from his mother. "wait a second" Masato said grabbing Gonzaburou's arm... Masato pointed at a Canva and Gonzaburou widened his eyes and said "oh right.... thanks uhm..?" "Hanzawa... Hanzawa, Masato" Masato answered. "oh uhm right.... thank you Hanzawa-san...." Gonzaburou said about to walk away when Masato ask "I don't think I catch up your name" Gonzaburou turned around and smiled before saying "Tashiro, Gonzaburou..... see you soon" he waves a bye before walking away hurriedly. "Tashiro...? sounds familiar" Masato mumbled before shrugging. Yoshikazu smiled and turned to Shuumei who's silently listening in the back. "hello.. I'm Miyano, Yoshikazu.. how about you?" "Sasaki, Shuumei" Shuumei replied shortly as Yoshikazu again talked "I'm from Kobashu student how about you?" "same University.... I'm taking BS Forensics, second year college" Shuumei responds awkwardly as Taiga sighs.

And that's how Yoshikazu and Shuumei got to know each other.

Meaning behind sketches [Sasaki to Miyano]Where stories live. Discover now