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: don't be shocked when he poisons you :

His name: Tsuma
Meaning: Wife

Got a plot that just flew from my fingers I think its a bit bland but 🙃
Also all of you are awesome.
💌 Enjoy 💌

The door shut behind you with a small click, echoing through the eerily quiet house. You had tried to call and text your husband throughout the day but received no answer. Fretting over his well-being, you choose to come home during your lunch break to check up on him. Tsuma wasn't someone to ignore messages, especially when they come from you.

"Tsuma, dear!?" You called out, shrugging the coat off your shoulders and let it fall to the floor, stepping further into the home. Anxiety pounded throughout your system. It didn't help a muffled noise came from deeper within.

The living area was empty, with only the TV on yet muted, it was on a random news channel. Pictures of your husband and yourself scattered the walls making the space a bit more lively. A blanket lied halfway on sofa and floor. His familiar phone laid on the coffee table. Picking it up, you moved onto the kitchen. Greeting your gaze was a red substance decorating your cabinets and counters, pooling onto the floor. A streak of said liquid left the area and continued around a corner. A half finished cup of tea rested on the table and a chair was pulled out. Touching the counter, the red stuck to your fingers, you sighed, exasperated. You didn't bother to call out to Tsuma already knowing what had happened. Although that sinking feeling in your gut couldn't help but grow.

Moving on, you followed the streak down the hall, leading to the basement door, which was left ajar. Distant humming could be heard from inside. You didn't hesitate to go inside, noting the light switch was flipped on. The handrail proved to keep you from slipping on the not quite yet dried blood on the wood below you. You felt suffocated, your breathing became inconsistent, that awful feeling of a hole growing in your stomach worsened.

Reaching the bottom, a gruesome sight stained your eyes. Your beloved, bubbly, sweet husband was snipping away at your coworkers limbs, dividing them from his body. Sliver scissors worked their way through the rough meat of his shoulder attempting to separate it. The man was alive, strapped to the metal table, head bagged. Muffled screams and groans of pain resonated throughout the space. All while Tsuma hummed a song you had shared with him recently. Grabbing ahold of the end of the handrail for support, your legs felt weak, like all the muscle had been removed. Covering your mouth, a breath of relief escaped your lips. Tsuma's head shot up at the noise, a bright smile painted his face.

"Hello love, aren't you supposed to be at work currently?" He asked warmly, hands stilled and began wiping his hands clean with a nearby clean rag.

"Hmm, I'm not sure, seeing as my husband wasn't answering his phone." You squinted, judgingly. You voice shook slightly from the stress that previously habituated your body.

"Wha-" His eyes widened as he patted his pockets and looked around, pausing at the sight of you swinging it between two fingers. His features held worry and concern when he looked at your form.

"I thought it was on me, love. I'm so sorry." You furrowed your eyebrows. He stepped over to you, grasping your shoulders and planting kisses all over your face.

"You know, I really thought you were hurt or something worse." You mumbled, hugging his figure. He immediately hugged you back. The blood from his clothes were now also on you.

"I'm sorry, I promise it won't happen again." He rubbed circles against your back.


Muffled yells broke the comforting silence the fell between you. Tsuma tsked and turned to finish his most recent kill. You smiled softly, this man cared so much for you, acknowledging your paranoia and jealousy and helping you alleviate it, removing people who harass you, and allow you to take the reins in this relationship. He was more of a wife than a husband, take on the more traditional roles of a woman and letting you be the sole breadwinner. It seemed that together you both fell into your natural places, the places that made you happy. Your job allowed you make enough to live comfortably yet not overwork yourself or taking too much of your time.

Tsuma was a man of gold and you'd be damned before anyone took him from you.

"There's a pretty big mess upstairs, Tsuma. Do you want my help or-"

"No! No, love. Just relax and take the day off. I stressed you out so just take it easy." His voice interrupted your offer to help. He never let you help with any chores, it was the one thing that he wouldn't allow you to bulldoze him in. Last time you tried to surprise him via dusting when he went to the store, he had freaked out, wrapped you up in a blanket, set you on your shared bed, and basically held you captive for a few days. You had to persuade him to call your job and take a sick leave. Last time you tried that.

Checking the time, you had to leave soon if you wanted to be in on time.

"Mmm, I gotta go right now, dear." He put down the tools in his hands and gave you a light glare.

"Y/n, you need to rest. Just go upstairs and lay down, I'll be there in a minute." Tsuma sternly pushed, gesturing towards the stairs.

You sighed and went, hollering a 'Love you' as you went, not bothering to shut the door as you left. You walked past the new stains in your house and into the foyer, where your coat was. Picking it up, you toyed with the idea of just leaving for work, ultimately deciding so. Putting the coat back on you reached for the door handle.

"Where do you think your going?" Tsuma's voice rang from behind you. You turned around.

"N-nowhere?" You didn't look at him, a bit guilty for lying.

"Mhm, at least drink some tea before you go." He left for the kitchen. You blinked, confused but went to sit in the living room, being late was better than not going at all.

After a bit of a wait, he came in with some piping hot tea. After kissing your forehead and warning you to be careful, he started fluffing up the throw pillows as you drank the tea and folded the blanket up. Half way through the drink you felt incredibly tired. Your brain was making everything feel so slow. Tsuma smiled and took the cup, setting it on the coffee table. You slurred as you tried to ask what was happening. Your handsome, lovable, darling husband just gently guided your head toward the pillows. Kissing your forehead once more and wrapped you in the blanket.

"You need to rest, love." His wide smile was the last thing you saw before sleep overtook you.


Guess who's back!? Back again.

So I cut this a bit short, just wanted to eject something while inspiration was a peak performance. You all are so incredible and thank you for waiting. I feel better and managed to make a plot I was happy with. Y/n knows their feminine husband kills people and encourages it, they're also a bit controlling, but yandere is into it so who cares. I might come back and add Yanderes Pov. 🙃 big if tho.

Also was debating if to make this a lemon or not but chose not to. I need more practice writing them before making more. I can see that they are kinda horribly written so-

 I can see that they are kinda horribly written so-

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