~Chapter 28~ Azul and Ink

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While the others were away, somebody was left behind . . . 

Azul woke up with a sharp gasp. It had been like this for weeks now, constant dreams of Myriad and Error laughing at him. He stared down at the strings wrapped around his body. Pathetic, huh? Most people would think he'd easily be able to escape. That wasn't the case. 

After tugging a few more times against his restrictions, he rendered it useless. These strings limited his abilities as well. He couldn't open a portal nor summon a bone. He didn't know how long Nightmare, Error, Blue and Dream planned to be away. When they got back, he swore he would rain hell down on all of them. Azul just wanted his happy ending. He wanted his Myriad.

A loud bang caught his attention. Who would be here at this time? There was a little window in the basement which suggested it was still dark out. Possibly three or two in the morning. Azul kept quiet in case the noise was a threat. Creakkkkkk. His senses were quickly heightened as the basement door opened. A shadowy figure stood in the doorway. That was his thing! 

"Who's there?" He frowned and tried getting a better look. He still couldn't see anything. Was this person here to kill him? Was it even a person? 

"I am simply here to help you." An odd voice called back, seeming pleased to find Azul in the basement. 

"Show yourself. I don't trust people who hide their true identity." It was hypocritical but he didn't care! Azul wanted to know who he was dealing with. 

The shadowy figure stepped into the light and dropped off their hood. "Hello again." Low and behold, it was Ink. "Did you miss me?" He bounced from one foot to the other. 

"I-" Azul didn't even get a chance to respond. 

"Wasn't that so cool?! Did you miss me? I sounded like such a villain!" Ink laughed and wiped away at the 'tears' collecting in the corner of his eye-sockets. 

"I thought Error and Nightmare got rid of you?" Azul questioned with a confused glance. He was never fond of Ink in his universe or this one. 

"Nope! They'd have to try much harder then that." Ink came over and sliced Error's strings with a small paint brush. He was still trying to get Broomie fixed, Nightmare and Error had really done a number on her. 

"Then why are you here?" Azul stood up from his chair and took on a defensive position. He would never trust Ink. This man was a buffoon and unpredictable. "Do I owe you something?" Azul hated owing people something. 

"Clever boy!" Ink grinned. 

Azul snarled and pushed past Ink, walking towards the exit. "Don't call me that." He didn't have time for this. Err- Myriad was still out there. 

Ink grabbed onto Azul's wrist, successfully preventing him from leaving. "I have a deal for you." 

"And what would that be?" He turned his head to meet Ink's gaze head on. 

"We both want to kill Nightmare, how about we work together to get rid of him? Error will be distraught and that's when he'll be most weakest." Ink let go of Azul's hand. "I have the perfect plan to finally get rid of him once and for all. He's always messing up both of our plans." His eye-lights turned to white pinpricks. "Error will be mine." 

Azul was shocked by the proposition. Work together with Ink? It would be a dangerous move. Yet, he didn't have many other choices. They had both been defeated by Nightmare and his little friends. They would have more strength in numbers. With an impulsive response, Azul agreed. "I'm in." 

Ink clapped his hands together in delight. "Perfect! I'm so glad you agreed!" He would've had other ways of convincing Azul if that wasn't the case. 

"Just know I'm not following your every order. This is only because we have mutual goals." Azul crossed his arms over his chest with a frown. "I'm done playing nice. I want Myriad back." 

Ink shrugged. "You'll get him back." Azul would be no threat to his plans of gaining Error. The man was already delusional enough to think his Error would have anything to do with Myriad. Wrong universe buddy! Azul would just have to keep looking. 

"What do you gain out of this?" Azul questioned. 

Ink sighed. Had Azul really not been paying attention this whole time? Crazy bastard. "I want Error to be mine! Once Nightmare is finally gone, he'll have no choice but to love me!" Ink's eye-lights turn into pink love hearts. 

"Why do you want him in the first place?" Azul had never heard Ink's reasonings. 

"Because Error makes things fun! Without him, I'm so bored! I don't wanna be bored." Ink pouted like a child. "Nobody else gets how it feels. I want him, so I'll have him." 

"As long as you don't take Myriad, then I don't care." Azul had come to the realisation over the past weeks that this Error was not Myriad. However, this Error might have some clues. Was he sorry for what he did? No. 

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Ink sighed and began walking up the stairs. "Come on! What are you waiting for? We have lots to plan!" He turned to look at Azul once they had both reached the top of the stairs. 

Azul grinned, a malicious glint twinkling in his eyes. Nightmare had humiliated him and mocked him in front of another version of Myriad. He would not let that slide. "Let's get to it." 

With that, the two of them left through a portal. They were off to make the perfect plan to bring down Nightmare and get Error vulnerable. Azul didn't have much reason to have Error weak but it would make questioning easier. This Error didn't mean anything to him anyways. Azul was foolish to think this Error could be his Myriad. 

Azul almost felt a little bad for Error. He would be losing the thing he loved most. It was similar to what had happened to him and Myriad, except Myriad wasn't dead. He couldn't be. Azul would keep looking. 

A Glitch And A Nightmare ( Error x Nightmare ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now