Chapter 11 ( Making It Official )

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Fatima was crying happy tears ,but was nervous at the sametime caz she never introduced zac to her family neither did she tell them about him ,,its not that she didn't want too... she wanted them to be official first before telling anyone ....But she was happy to have all her friends and family there she didn't realize how much she miss them

She went an hug her parents and brothers,then she went to her friends , the DJ starts playing the music an everyone was having fun ,the drinks were flowing , they music was jamming and the food was good ... Zac was at the bar with jake an Preston chatting an fatima was catching up with her family she haven't seen them In almost a year only on face time

Taraji ( T mom ) : U look happy baby

Fatima : I am mom , but how did u guys found out about zac ( nervous )

Taraji : Well he found us two weeks ago

Before Fatima could respond, zac came up to her

Zac : Hey baby , kiss her on the cheeks......Miss wilson

Taraji : Hello zac , how are you?

Zac : Am good ,,, hope u having a good time

Taraji : Yes i am thanks for inviting us

Fatima was just standing there smiling ... She was happy that her mom an zac was getting along , but was still worried about her dad reactions

Terry ( T dad ) : Hey baby girl what y'all talking about over here

Fatima : Nothing Dad

Terry : What's wrong babyGirl ,.... Why u look nervous ? Laughing......He already knew she was worried about him and zac

Terry : Baby Girl i no that look , an am happy for u zac is a find young Man , he told us everything about him self , going to prison , his family etc An from what I see he's trying to be a better man , no one is perfect we all made mistakes is life , that should not define who we are today . I am proud of him for trying an never giving up ... An from the look on ur face I can tell that he's doing a great Job I have never seen u this happy not even with Michael ....So this tells me that what u guys have is special ,u both went trough a truma and ur healing together thats what makes it special,, so u dont got to worry u no I support what ever decisions u make

Fatima was crying all over again hearing her dad talk such positive things about zac gives her hope that they gonna be okay no matter what they go trough they will come out on top

Zac was crying as well , he never had his dad is his life so hearing Fatima's dad say he's proud of him mealts his heart , he was happy

Fatima : thank u so much dad I love u

Terry: I love u too

15 minutes later zac went to the DJ an ask him to pause the music for a minute,, he proceeded to the mic

Zac : Can i have everyone attention plz

Fatima : Was nervous caz she didn't no what he was doing

Zac : Thank u all for coming and celebrating this special Day with us , before u all leave there is something I would like to say .....T baby can u come up here for a second

Zac : The pass six weeks has been the happiest days of my life ,its the happiest I have ever been an I want to remind like this forever . T what am trying to say is ......WE CROSSED PATHS FOR A REASON AN WE HAVE BEEN LOCKED IN EVER SINCE ,I'M SURE WE WERE HAND PICK FOR EACH OTHER , WE' RE SOULMATES ,AN I PLAN ON MAKING U MY WIFE ONE DAY BUT FOR NOW ( one his knees ) I WANT TO ASK U IF U WILL BE MY GIRLFRIEND .. WITH THIS RING I PROMISE TO PROTECT U, LOVE U AN BE THE BEST MAN I CAN BE AN TO ALWAYS FIGHT FOR OUR LOVE

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