The wedding PT 2 ( BACHELOR PARTY )

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Preston and jake plan the bachelor party , they guys rented out a small venue to hold about 50 people cause didn't want much people just close friends and the people he consider family cause he wasn't about to deal with the drama , Zac was wearing an long sleeve Red Shirt with a black pants and his red and black Jordan's boost ,with his diamond chain and earrings that fatima got for him .All the guys was wearing the same outfit as zac including Fatima's brothers ,they were staying at the 5 star hotel for the weekend

Everyone arrive at the hotel just about the sametime an was waiting in the lobby on zac..10 minutes later zac arrived

Preston : I was about to come look for your ass man you good bro

Zac : Yeah am good man

Preston : okay i got everyone their rooms here are the keys ,y'all please act right ,we leaves at 7 for the party

Everyone colleted theri keys an went their separate ways

Zac made it to his room ,an it was decorated with balloons,flowers an pictures of him an fatima with his favorite home cooked meal from her .It was a note That reads play me an a card

THE  CARD......

* The day you asked me to be your wife was the best day of my life ,but i know the day we say " I DO " is going to be the absolute best ,i can't wait to see you at the alter " I'll be the one in white " winks emoji

Zac press the remote that was next to the note an the TV come on it was a video from Fatima

The video : To my husband to be ,i hope your weekend will be full of crazy moments,I no you're probably missing me an your babies ,but tonight is about you my love i want you to have fun an loosen up a bit but not too much fun , I LOVE YOU ZACHARY LUCTHER TAYLOR AN I CANT WAIT TO MARRY YOU BABY

Zac was in tears with all kind of emotions hitting him at once he couldn't believe he was marrying  his best friend , his dreams was finally coming through he wanted to call her so bad so he decided to put his attention else where

They was 12 gifts bag but zac only open the main onces

Fatima's Gift....

* She bought him a gold rolex watch she had his name custom made to it ,she also bought him a pair of daimond earrings an their was a keys in a box to his brand new Black Porsche Macan SUV 2023 she it custom made just for him ...zac run around the room screaming in excitement

Lori's gift ....

* She bought his a cologne set from his favorite design

Andi gift....

* She got him a robe  with his name on it

It was now time to get ready for the party so he couldn't open no more gifts

30 minutes later everyone was ready and waiting for zac in the lobby of course zac wasn't ready yet

5 minutes later zac was ready he made his way downstairs and was smiling seeing everyone dress to matched

Zac : I wanna thank y'all from the bottom of my heart man , these outfits looks good man

Jake : You welcome bro

Preston : You only get married once my brother

Zac : Yeah you right bro but this shit is stressful asf man i miss my babies

Preston : Man its only been a few hours

Jake : Am sure T not thinking about your ass right now man

Zac : Man you capping for real my baby is missing me i can feel it man

The all leave and headed to the party

30 minutes they arrive at the venue

As zac enter the venue he was blowing away with the decor the guys really out did them self zac was now in tears an he walks around to greet everyone

Preston takes the mike......

Preston : Hey everyone i wanna thank you all for coming km 3e sweater an celebrating this special day with my brother ,so please enjoy an have fun there's drinks and food help your self to whatever you want

Zac was actually having a good time with his friends and family they play board games ,cards etc ,he was still missing his baby but he also allow him self to have fun he didn't drink to get drunk

A few hours had passed and everyone was getting ready to leave zac thank his boys for a wonderful night as they all made their way back to the hotel the guys made sure zac was in his room safe before leaving to go to their room

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