2_Two Side of The Same Coin

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Venti helps Xiao to settle down.

While Xiao tries to settle down a new environment, he finds out that there's similarity among both worlds.

TW - Mention of minor character death.

And I am not sorry.

(Still feel sorry actually (●'⌓'●))


It surprises Venti that a few days later, Xiao could stand back on his own feet. The last time Venti had a broken rib, it took him at least a week to be able to sit up.

Either this man has a very high pain endurance or he's a machine. No way a man could get back on his leg from those broken ribs within a week.

When Xiao gets out of the bed, first place he went to is the window.

He opened the window and sees the tall building around, metal block that has wheels and unknown lights that blinks in different colour. People walking in uniforms that he's not familiar with and each holding a flat metal on their hands.

Why are they staring at the metal bar? Do they come in different sizes and colours? What are they?

"What are you staring at?" A voice beside him had Xiao jumped. Goodness, General Alatus being scared by a mortal man asking a simple question with no ill-intend. What would his soldiers think of him.

"...What are those things?" Xiao tries to point but being in a tall building and pointing at the people walking is really hard for Venti to pin point what is Xiao talking about.

"What thing?" Venti squints his eyes and tries to follow his finger but it wouldn't do.

"Those... flat bars on their hand." Xiao frowned. He's being weird again, asking weird things.

"Flat bars.... Oh. You mean phone." Venti cranked his limited brain to try to understand what Xiao is saying.

"...Phone?" Xiao tilted his head. Never heard of such thing.

Venti dug into his pocket and shows him his own 'flat bar'.

"Phones. Or Handphones. It's a device that has multiple function." Venti unlocks it and shows Xiao by swiping around.

"Multiple functions?" Xiao doesn't understand how could a swipe of finger can move the surface screen. Is this some form of magic in this land?

Venti laughed at his baffled look and grabbed his hand.

"Com'on I'll tell you more while we had breakfast."

Most of the time in the morning Venti would be staying home to take care of the things around – Cooking breakfast and lunch, cleaning the kitchen, writing some music scores in the living room and so on.

He would teach Xiao about the modern electrical appliances. Like getting his old phone out and teaching Xiao how to use. Just in case if future he would need help from Venti. And during the evening time he would say good bye to Xiao and leave for his work.

Xiao doesn't feel good being a freeloader in the house so he would occasionally ask Venti if he needs help in the kitchen.

And Venti would let him do the simpler task such as cracking the eggs while he hums himself a song and fry some food.

Venti may be good in cooking but Xiao realized he would always be trying new recipe that could end up in a disaster.

It could be due to his carelessness or forgetfulness that Xiao has to help. But Xiao doesn't know how the equipment works, so he would end up panicking with Venti in the kitchen.

Like that one time when Venti is on the phone checking the recipe and totally didn't notice the burning food on the pan with high heat on. Xiao thought of cranking it down but got the opposite of it and whatever disastrous material is in the pan, it got caught on fire.

"V-Venti! Fire!"

"What- Wait! Xiao! What did you do!" Venti panicked and tries to turn off the fire but the pan is still on fire.

Perhaps Xiao should stay in bed and rest. His head starts to hurt after that episode.

Since that Xiao is getting better, Venti would drag him out often. To the local grocer, market, coffee shop, just to show him around and tells him of the things he didn't know.

It was in the coffee shop that Venti realized Xiao is not a fan of coffee. He laughed out loud at Xiao's scrunched face when he takes a sip of the coffee.

Venti mentally takes note to try and get him some tea for morning.

Xiao was baffled with the idea of canned food. He doesn't understand how those food could preserve for such a long duration and questioned if it would make them sick.

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