Dreams Come True

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I woke up the next morning with Andy's arms wrapped around me and his heavy breathing down my neck. When I tried to wriggle out, his arms tightened and I couldn't move. Lovely...I have to piss and I'm trapped in Andy's arms. It's not like I have a problem with that but I really had to go.

"Andy." I whispered. Nothing. "Andy." I tried again, but he just moaned. "Andy!"

"What!?" He jumped up and fell off the bed.

I couldn't control my laughter. The way he fell was just so...graceful.

"That's not funny," He grumbled as he got up and crawled back on the bed.

"Yes it is. You should have seen your face! HAHA! Great..."

"You won't be saying that in a second." His eyes flashed red.

"Ooo..I'm so scared."

"You should be."

He growled and the next thing I knew, Andy was straddling my waist and he had my arms pinned down so I couldn't move. His face was inches away from mine. He smiled playfully and I saw that his fangs were elongated.

"Are you scared now?"

"No." I lied.

He chuckled and inclined his head till his lips were lightly pressed against my throat.

"What about now? And don't lie. Remember, I can hear your heart." He kissed my neck.


Andy kissed up my neck, and along my jaw until he got to my lips.

"Good. And I forgive you for laughing at me." He said against my lips.

"Who said I was sorry?" I smirked.

"Are you sorry?"

I giggled. "Yes. I'm sorry." I pecked his lips. "Can you get off now? I really have to pee."

Andy quickly got off of me and I ran to the bathroom. After I was done I got in the shower. When I was done I got changed. When I was dressed I walked to the front of the bus to get some breakfast.

There was a stack of peanut butter pancakes and a note on the table. The note read:

"Hey baby. I made you breakfast. I hope you like Skippy's Super Chunk peanut butter. The guys and I went out to do interviews. I'll be back in a little while. Look for my heart. I've left it with you."

I sighed. What am I supposed to do now? I decided to watch Spongebob while I ate my pancakes until they got back.

I was running. It was night, but the moon was full so there was a little light. There were trees everywhere. Clawing at my skin, trying to keep me from escaping. I heard five sets of footsteps catching up behind me. I screamed and pushed my legs to go faster. There were roots all over the place and I tripped a lot. Just when I thought I was going to make it out of here alive, the people that had been chasing me tackled me to the ground. Then I saw who my pursuers were. Jake, Jinxx, CC, Andy and Ashley all had glowing red eyes and their fangs were fully elongated.

"It's time" Jake said.

I woke up.

All the guys were surrounding me with worried faces. I was drenched in sweat and I was on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Are you okay Snow?" CC asked and put a cold hand to my forehead.

"Y-yeah. I just had a bad dream."

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