× part 1 ×

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(Posting is gonna be random due to school and other problems)

Toby was bullied and abused, psychically and mentally (& emotionally) The only thing that would calm him at stressful times was his older sister named Lyra.
Toby's POV

My sister Lyra was driving her car as I sit next to her on the other seat, we were going home and about half hour ride was left. I just sat there and kept staring out of the window since I didn't want to bother Lyra while driving as she was already exhausted so the silence took over since the start of the ride home. In the silence only could be heard other cars outside, people talking, my and Lyra's breathing and my ticks.

The silence was interrupted by sudden ringing, Lyra got a phone call so she picked up on it, she spoke to someone which I never knew who, she stopped paying full attention to driving so I looked instead of her and saw a speeding car that wasn't able to stop going right towards us.
"Lyra!?" I yelled out, she looked at me and then in front of us and all I could hear is her screaming before my vision went dark.
I could hear the ambulance sirens and a lots of talking before I fully lost consciousness.

That's all I could remember before I woke up in a hospital.
I felt dizzy, my vision was quite blurry when I opened my eyes. Two doctors were standing there and talked to each other, then the one left and the other looked at me, my vision got cleared up by then.
"Ah, you're finally awake Mr. Rogers"
"Please call me Toby" I responded and he nodded as he understood.
"Toby, I have good news and bad news, which one would you like to hear first?"
The doctor asked me, I didn't respond for few seconds but then I responded.
"The good news"
"Alright, the good news that you're healthy, only next to your mouth will be a permanent scar that I don't think you will very like but you'll be released in less than a week"
"And the bad news?" I asked.
"Your sister Lyra has died, I'm sorry for your lost, we did everything we could but she lost too much blood to the damage of her body"

I was terrified, for sure. I was scared what will happen next and the tears were forming in my eyes, my heart completely broke.

None's POV

When Toby was released, he already knew how the scar next to his mouth looked and he didn't like it, he was terrified of his own scar, he blamed himself that he didn't do anything, he could have at least grabbed the wheel and turn it the other way to prevent the speeding car from hitting them but no, his sister died and he ended up with a huge scar.
His father became more and more drunk and more and more abusive each day, Toby became very anti social instead and stopped even coming out of his room to eat the one food a day he got. He starved himself as punishment and due to stress he formed out to have another disorder called Onychophagia (biting nails & fingers habit)

One day, he finally snapped, he couldn't take it anymore. He went to the basement and grabbed two hatches and found his abusive dad on the couch watching TV
"What now, brat!?" He yelled out.
"Father... Goodbye." The mentally ill boy said in calm but also shaky voice, the father looked at his son and screamed before the blade of the axe hit his skull and breaking it, Toby took his axe out the man's head and put gas all over the house and lit it on fire, the ticking boy let his own mother who didn't care for him die in the fire aswell while he set the whole neighborhood on fire.
Soon enough even the flames were surrounding him with no escape and as the fire spread he started to feel dizzy and out of breath, this very tall creature appeared in front of him in his blurry vision and soon enough Toby passed out.

"Toby, my child. Wake up."
A deep voice spoke quite loud in Toby's head and he slowly opened his eyes.

718 words

This story is gonna take huge inspiration from another Ticcimask story but I'll try my best to not copy it! I just really really love it!

The chapters are gonna be in amount of between 500 - 1000+ words
Bye bye!<3

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