day 1

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My name is rose, I have a brother called max and go to infinity academy. I thought today was going to be a normal day but I was wrong, so so wrong. It started something that would change my life.

I woke up and immediately told my brother to wake up as he wouldn't get up otherwise and we had school today.

I went downstairs and my mum and dad told me to get him. I explained that he was being a sleepy head and wouldn't get up. They told me that they would come up with me.

When we got upstairs was refusing to get up so he had to do my chores ontop of his own while I got to sit around later. He also got grounded for arguing with them. I'd say my morning was going great.

When we got to school me and max got summoned to the hall. Max took a long time as he had to say bye to all his friends. I don't waste time with friends because they distract you from your studies.

When we got to the hall, there was a man who just introduced himself as eci worker. He told us to start setting up the bands that he gave us. Max went off with one so I had to go and get him. We got told to put our bands on and to collect the other kids. When the other kids are inside we gave them there bands. I suddenly felt different, I didn't know why? The eci worker told us to go home as it was now a pupil-free day.

When we got home, I got to relax while max has to do all the chores. It was ls very fun to watch him being annoyed. When it was time for bed mum hit the big stop button on max, telling him he was grounded and couldn't go on his devices for a week. It was hilarious. We went to bed.

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