𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝗎𝗌𝖾𝗎𝗆 𝗈𝖿 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁 (𝟣).

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       JOEY HAD REDUG a previous artifact, the artifact being one from his first house, the one he cleansed with Oli White and Eva Gutowski

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JOEY HAD REDUG a previous artifact, the artifact being one from his first house, the one he cleansed with Oli White and Eva Gutowski. He quickly drove away once he retrieved it. Joey drove to a place in the forest, meeting up with Matthew Patrick and Nikita Dragun. "Did you guys get to what I asked for?" Joey asks, "Yeah, what took you so long?" Matthew carried a crown with crystals. "Is this a bad time to mention I invited someone to the party?" Nikita spoke. "The Party's here!" A voice spoke.

Bretman Rock, played the role as The Playboy.

"Nikita I told you not to invite anyone, this is gonna be a dangerous mission!" Joey scolds, "The only danger here is this fat-ass." Bretman retorts, "You ready?" Jael and Ryu, who we knew as the Society Against Evil, appeared, "Okay, now that we're all here let's do this thing." Joey says.

"This is where your friends are being kept. To enter the museum of the dead, need to create a gateway to purgatory. The crown generates the power. The cursed artifact has an evil to cut through the barrier that protects it. The life crystal allows entry without dying." Jael explains, "without the crown it won't last long." Ryu spoke. "Joey you're going be in the purgatory, take Nikita and bretman to where your friends are. I'll take the rest through the roof. The museum's collector should be avoided at all costs." Jael explains.

"And what am I gonna do? I did cancel my live stream for this." Matthew spoke, "You'll be with me, baby steps." Jael answers.

They set up the ritual, as the SAE members spit out magic through their eyes and mouth. A blue portal opens, "Go, bitches!" Nikita says as Joey and Bretman follow into the portal. "The ground is breaking!" Ryu exclaims. Only Joey and Bretman could go through, leaving Nikita and Matthew behind.

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