Chapter 5

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Matthew and Skye quickly met up with the others.

Chase:I don't think the kittens are the only part of Humdinger's scheme.

Champ:Then who else could be working with him?

Matthew:Who knows.

???:There you are!

They saw that Harold was approaching them.

Matthew:Of course it's you.

Tuck: Get lost, Harold!

Champ:Did you bring another army of pathetic robots for me to destroy with one bark?

Harold:It seems that I will be taking both the puppy and the tiny human.

Champ:(Chuckles) The Yiga Clan's strongest Soldier could not kill me, an army of Guardians could not kill me, if you think capturing me and Matthew will be easy, then you're way out of your league!

Harold: You're quite annoying for a pup!

Champ:Part of my charm!

Chase:If you want Matthew or Champ, you gotta get through us first!

Matthew:Ryder, try activating the meteor and let's see if it can reach all the way over here.

Ryder nodded his head as he pulled out his Puppad and activated the meteor. The pups saw that their paws were glowing.

Marshall:Wow, that meteor has a really far reach.


Suddenly, an army of massive robots landed in the city.

Ella:That looks bad!

Rex:I wonder what my powers are.

Rex suddenly shot a massive beam out of his paws.


The beam had cut through three buildings.

Champ: Awesome, that's like my heat vision. Just be glad that the beam isn't coming out of your eyes.

Everest:What about you, Tracker?

Suddenly, a massive amount of vines came out from the ground.


Ryder: Maybe if Tracker uses his new powers to entangle one of the robots, Rex then can use his powers to destroy them.

Champ:If there weren't as many buildings here, I would have used my superbark.

Matthew:What if one of the robots falls and hits a building while you're trying to destroy them?

Rocky:Matt has a point.

Champ: Maybe Harold has something that's controlling them. If we can find a way to safely disable them, we should be able to keep them from destroying anything.

Rocky:If we can find their power source, we should be able to disable them.

Ryder: Matthew, Champ, do you two think that you can find a way to disable the robots.

Matthew:What do you say, Champ?

Champ:You can count on us, Ryder!

Marshall: We'll deal with Harold and find a way to stall the robots!

Matthew quickly climbed onto Champ's back as the pup immediately took off.

Harold:Where do you think you're going?

Marshall instantly shot a fireball at Harold, knocking him to the ground.

Marshall:(Growls) I would think twice before trying to harm my brother!

A Paw Patrol Story 7: Trouble In Adventure City Where stories live. Discover now