Chapter 6

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Maybe it wasn't too late.

"Sir, you need to return to your bed."

Captain Levi ignored the concerned nurse with the black bob and clipboard. He shoved his shoulder through the hospital's double doors, hunched with his forearms against the wheeled bedside table to keep his balance.


The doors swung shut behind him. He pushed the table faster across the white linoleum. But a hand clasped his shoulder.

"If you're going to discharge yourself from the hospital, at least take these." The short-haired nurse held out a set of crutches and traded them for Levi's tray table. Her white flats clicked as she sauntered back down the hall, murmuring, "Unbelievable..."

Levi hoisted the padding under his pits and hobbled to a nearby strategy room. A cluster of Garrison soldiers were gathered over a parchment map.

"Where are the Scouts?" he said, sounding more concerned than he'd intended. He flattened his face, hoping to negate the worry in his tone.

"Commander Hange has them. Something about a flying boat—"

Levi took off, crutches paddling him down the corridor.

* * *

"Everyone on the ship!"

A body was sprawled on the dock in her path. Karma stared ahead at the horizon, refusing to lose focus as she hopped over it. Was it a comrade? A Yaegerist? Her shoe squished into something thick and wet. It stuck to the brim of her sock, crusting on her ankle. Red footprints and frantic Scouts followed her all the way up the unsteady gangway and to the deck of the ship.

"Karma, thank God." Jean squeezed her to his chest. His rapid heart thumped against her ear, dampening the sound of the roaring engine as they departed for Odiha.

Attached by a thick cable was a tarp-covered flying boat. It would need fuel and maintenance before they could use it to combat The Rumbling. It bobbed and jumped against the waves created by the speeding ship.

Karma collapsed on the deck, throwing her heavy head against a sea-sprayed guard rail. Cold water seeped into her hair.

"Did we lose anyone?" she said, looking up at Jean. He leaned his hip against the rail and shook his head.

"No, everyone made it."

"Is anyone hurt?"

"I think Armin—"

"Where is he?!"

"Um, probably recovering somewhere." He offered his hand and helped Karma to her feet. "I'll help you find him."

In a closet stocked with bright orange life jackets, Karma found a red plastic first aid kit. Peeking into each room along the low-ceiling corridor, they found Armin sprawled on a mattress, his face bloody and steaming. His mouth was dangling as though his jaw had no joints. There was a hole in his cheek and his gums were bloody with broken teeth.

"Get me gauze and hydrogen peroxide," Karma said to Jean, shoving the plastic kit to his chest.

"Aye, aye, doc."

Karma touched the back of her hand to Armin's forehead. It was a tad feverish, but nothing concerning.

Jean rifled through the supplies. He passed Karma a black bottle and tore through a stack of individually wrapped gauze squares. She wetted the gauze and dabbed Armin's face. The mesh pads turned pinkish as the blood and peroxide mixed.

"Your wounds are healing themselves, but this'll speed things up," she said.

"Thanks, Karma." Armin sounded as though he were talking through a mouth full of food.

"Shh, don't talk. Just hold still." She bit her tongue in concentration until she sensed a presence behind them in the doorway. She gave Jean a quizzical side glance.

He looked back and swore. "Of course he's here," he said, scowling at the ceiling.

Karma froze. It couldn't be him. Her head creaked toward the door. Sure enough, Captain Levi was there, hoisted up by a set of crutches.

"Captain, what the hell?!" Karma's chair toppled over as she abandoned Armin to guide Levi to an open chair. He plummeted into the seat with a groan. "You're supposed to be recovering!"

"I know."

"Then what were you thinking coming here?!"

"Can't recover without my doctor."

"There were plenty of doctors at HQ. You're in no condition to walk."

"Good thing I ran."

"You—?" Karma shook her head, palms pressed into her eye sockets. "I can't believe you're here—this mission is too dangerous. You need to rest. Sleep. Now."

"If I sleep any longer, you'll forget I exist."

"Nighty night, then, Cap," Jean said. Karma stabbed him with a glare. Levi ignored his comment.

"Do you really expect me to lounge around while you guys save the world?" He leaned his crutches against the chair's armrest. Karma fought to keep the anxiety that was shaking her fists from wavering into her voice.

"Captain, how the hell do you plan on stopping The Rumbling with one eye and eight fingers?"

"Please. I could stop The Rumbling blind folded and handcuffed."

Jean's eye roll was almost audible.

"Fine. Do what you want. But I swear to God, if you get hurt, you're finding a new doctor." Karma turned her back to Levi, trembling as she picked up her chair.

She busied herself with tending Armin. The hole in his cheek was almost closed and the white peaks of budding teeth dotted his gums.

"Cap, can I talk to you?"

Were peroxide fumes a hallucinogen? Did those words really just come out of Jean's mouth?

In response, Levi's crutches clicked after Jean's footsteps. The door shut. Karma could only hear the outline of hushed voices on the other side of it.

"The hell are you doing? And don't bullshit me." Jean jabbed his finger into Levi's chest. Despite the attempt at intimidation, Levi's expression remained cool.

"Are you not happy to see me?"

"Not even a little. You know damn well you shouldn't be here."

"I'm Captain of the Scout Regiment. It's my obligation."

"Dammit, Cap. You're impossible. Can't you just leave her be?"

"She's a grown-ass adult. Why are your panties so wound up?"

"Because Karma has enough to worry about without your sorry ass getting in the way. If you cared even a smidgen, you would've never left HQ."

"You're right. I don't care."

"Figures." Jean's shoulders shot up with a deep breath. "Did you come to torment me then? Can't I have a moment's peace?"

"If you wanted that, you should've killed me while you had the chance."

"Looked to me like you were gonna do the job yourself."

"If it only meant spiting you, I would have."

"Well you came damn close."

"I know. I was there."

"Were you though? Did you watch her cry? Did you bring her bagels with berry cream cheese? Did you carry her to bed because she refused to leave your damn side to take care of herself?"

Levi didn't have a response.

"You've done nothing but torture her. If you're not gonna take your twig ass home, then you better get your shit together."

Levi tracked Jean with his good eye as he stormed away. A heavy slam reverberated down the corridor.

Sage and Whiskey | Levi x OC x JeanWhere stories live. Discover now