Prologue: Day of truck-kun.

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Name: means someone is talking.
'__' means someone is thinking.
None means it is describing the surroundings or the actions of an individual from a 3rd person perspective.
POV: means the current perspective you are reading from.
*__* means sounds.
BOLD means a loud sound of someone or something.
<__> means radio chatter.
{__} means a whisper or mumbled word.
This is my first story so expect short dialogue and a small amount of details.

POV: Protagonist.
Today was beginning just like any other day in my 18 year old life wearing a plain black shirt with plain black pants with white lines going down the sides. I was currently experiencing the same boring, frustrated, and stressed emotions because of collage but robotics helped get through them a little. most of those are because of both myself and my lazy nature that doesn't want to do work. But hey can't do much about that when my self encouragement doesn't work.

Unknown?: You heading out Gavof?

Someone said my name from my house inquiring about if I was going to college.

Gavof: Yeah mom.

I replied to the now identified voice (I know some people may inquire about why a college student still lives with his family and I'll say it is because of his lazy nature and also because it saves more money than getting an apartment i think).

Mom: Have a good day at college!

Gavof: Have a good day at work mom!

I replied cheerfully before take a turn left and heading out to college.

*Sigh* 'Another stressful day at college, another boring day at home.' I thought while walking, frustrated of my current life despite knowing I have it easy.


Gavof: Huh?

I heard a loud noise from my right and turn to look only to find a truck heading straight towards me at full speed despite me being on the side walk.

Gavof: Mother f-.

I said before getting cut off by the speeding truck that hit me with full force shattering my ribs and sending me flying in the air. And I can only think of one thing at that moment.

'Who the hell drives a truck at full speed in a packed neighborhood?'

Before colliding with the ground hard from a 10ft tall launch nocking me out cold in the process.

I open my eyes to find myself in a unknown wide completely white area.

'Huh?' I thought wondering were I am right now.

Unknown?: Hello child of man.

A voice said in a way that could not be distinguished between what gender it was from behind me.

Gavof: Who's their?!

I said alarmed quickly turning to the source of the new voice not bothering to listen to the figures odd speech pattern.

Unknown?: I am what you humans call a god.

The figure now know as a god said to me making me widen my eyes in shock.

Gavof: Huh? A GOD?!

I exclaimed in shock after knowing of the identity of the voice.

'Wait they said a god... does that mean theirs more?! Wait no I should worry about the existence before me.' And so I asked.

Gosaf: Hey whoever you are can you show yourself?

I said inquiring of the looks of this entity.

God: yes I can though my appearance make quite greatly shock you.

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