Chapter 12

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He stays with me for a lot longer then I thought he would. I'm curled next to him with an open book in my hands, kind of on top of him still because the hammock isn't that big. And he has one arm around me while he's holding his phone, playing what sounds like subway surfers. We stopped ourselves about ten minutes ago but I don't really wanna be done yet.

I like the fact that he lets me take control. Even though I'm not fully sure what I'm doing at the moment. But I know the boundaries, and I'm glad he trusts me. I had the wrong first experience with physical attraction so I never really got to be In control of my own body. Chris allows me to move when I want to, or kiss him whenever I feel like it. But I still don't understand why I can't really seem to get enough yet.

After reading the same sentence for five minutes straight I close my book and roll over so I'm fully on top of him. I hear his phone drop against the grass as I place my lips against his neck, kissing him softly while his hand instantly travels up to my hair, Holding my curls. I feel the muscles of his smile against the top of my head. I smile too.

Untill a small rock hits my back. I sit up quickly and look behind me, more startled then hurt. The hammock sways after my movements and Chris holds it in place, trying to keep it from rolling over.

There's a figure standing by the slide hesitantly. The first thing I notice is a large puffy ball sitting on top of her head. I let out a sigh, that's gonna be a chore to brush out.

"It's just Passion, I told her to meet me here after practice." I tell Chris and stand up. He does the same, pulling one of the snack bars that I didn't know he had out of his pocket. "Is that the last one?" I ask him, pointing at it.

"One more" he says before already eating almost half in one bite. I wave Passion over and bend down to my bag, side eyeing him as I take the last one of the snack bars that I was saving for Passion. I shoulda brought extras. I notice his face changes, while his cheeks fade a bright pink as he looks away from me. I'm about to ask him what's wrong when Passion snatches the snack bar from my hand, ripping it open.

Well someone's hungry.. "You're welcome-" I mutter as I stand up. She nods and rolls her eyes back, rubbing her stomach as if she just finished a five course meal. I side eye her for a good second. It's a snack bar, Dramatic ass. I hear Chris chuckling behind us.

"Why did Leon want us out the house?" She asks before taking another bite.


I can tell she was attempting to lower her voice, but she can't whisper for shit. I don't wanna even glance at Chris. Because I know he's gluing his eyes to the back of my head. I can already imagine his browes furrow In immediate concern.

I shrug. "He has company so he just wanted us to roam around for a little while they're at the house." I tell her, trying to make it sound like it's not a big deal at all. I think it worked. She really needs to learn the right times to ask questions like these.

"Who's in for a game of soccer?" Chris asks. I turn around and find him staring at me, I can't read his expression but he doesn't seem to be suspicious of me.

Passion throws him the soccer ball and he kicks it away from the hammock, moving more into the middle of the field to give us room to chase after him.

We loose track of time. I don't check the clock untill after our third game and my eyes widen when I notice it's already 10:30 PM. "Alright Passion, we gotta head home." I tell her, picking up my things.

Chris kicks the soccer ball to Passion and she picks it up, running over to me. We get everything before cleaning the thousands of snack bar wrappers up from the ground, then we leave the park with Chris walking beside us.


I'm grabbing everything I need in our hair bucket for Passion's bird nest. She's matching with me in red pajama shorts and a white T-shirt tonight, Sitting on a pillow by the bed with her phone in her lap, playing a game while she waits for me.

I'm deciding on which brush to use first when I hear a quick gasp and I quickly turn to her. I find her staring at me, fear and shock mixing in her facial expression. "What?" I ask her, setting down the gel I was holding.

"Is that a bruise, or..." She lets her sentence trail off, pointing to my neck. I put my fingers against my skin to feel what she's pointing at. I feel a slightly lifted patch in my skin so I grab a mirror out of our hair bucket and tilt my head to get a good look.

My heart drops when my eyes land on the dark red oval shape against my skin. It's clear that's not a bruise. I side glance at Passion just as the door to our room swings open. We both jump and Leon let's himself in, holding a cigarette in the corner of his mouth and a bottle in his hand.

"Y'all were late" He says, watching us carefully. "The fuck were you two gettin' into for an hour and a half?" He leans on the doorframe the same way he did earlier today, swinging his bottle around before he takes a sip. Passion stares at the floor the way she always does when he's around us. I'm glad she understands that she needs to let me do the talking in these situations.

I stand straight, trying to maintain eye-contact. "We lost track of time, I-"

I was about to finish my apology when he suddenly interrupts me. "What the hell is that?!" He shouts, stepping towards me a little too quickly. I take a step back but he's faster, he grabs my arm tightly with the hand that's not holding his bottle. And he moves his head to get a good look at the mark on my neck. His expression turns livid.

He lets go of me and raises his hand in the air, slapping me across the face with as much force as he can, I cry out in pain and fall back against the wall when Passion screams and jumps up, dropping her phone on the ground.

"You fucking slut."

My breathing quickens at the sentence when I notice him emphasize the last word. I don't wanna look at him now. Instead I stare at the floor and cover the hickey with my hand, ashamed that I let this happen so carelessly. He points at my face and I close my eyes, already embarrassed enough. I don't need this right now...

"You're not going anywhere tomorrow." He says, almost growling at this point. I know exactly what that means. And I start balling my eyes out. I was trying to keep myself together in front of Passion but I can't hold myself together anymore.

A smile forms on his face before he turns around, leaving the room without another word.

I keep my hand over the mark and avoid Passion's eyes just as much as she's trying to avoid mine. I wipe my tears against the back of my head and close the door. When I move back to the hair bucket to grab the items for Passion I notice a light coming from the other side of the window that I didn't know was open.

Chris is standing at his window, facing mine with an expression on his face that kind of scares me. I don't think I've ever seen him look this serious.

My eyes widen in realization, And I freeze.

Leon was loud.

Passion was screaming.

My window was open.

He heard us.

Chris knows...

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