empty streets !

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your head was pounding.

it wasn't like you had been knocked out or anything of that nature but it still felt as if time had past. had it been mere seconds or months since you had opened your eyes ?

you knew it had only been a moment, a blink at most but everything had changed in that time. the once busy Shibuya Scramble was no more.

you took a moment to breath and recall what had happened. it had been your average day... well besides those fireworks. what even were those for ? as far as you knew it wasn't a day of celebration or anything of that nature.

wait you back-tracked to an earlier thought... Shibuya ? empty ? those words didn't exactly usually belong in the same sentence. you looked around and the panicked began to sink in... you were alone.

completely and utterly alone.

that feeling of Déjà Vu that the dream had given you continued but you didn't have the time to worrying about that right now you had to try and find someone or worst case scenario a trace of where everyone had gone. it's like you couldn't take care of yourself, you had enough on your bag to last you like bandages, snacks, lighter, cigarettes, and a few other things, your brother had also taught you some basics of self defence. though even with that you didn't want to be the only one left in the world... even if humanity did suck 90% of the time.

after checking your phone only to realise you had no signal, you started jogging around, which hurt like hell due to the prosthetic but you had bigger things to worrying about right now, looking for any supplies you would need until you could figure something out but preferably another person, and if you were extremely lucky where your brother was.

— time skip —

even after hours of running around aimlessly you couldn't find a single trace of humanity... that just isn't possible right ? it makes absolutely no sense how everyone could just vanish into thin air, this wasn't some sci-fi tv show this was just your life... basic boring (Y/N)'s life.

at this rate you would prefer this was a tv show, at least then your useless knowledge of pop culture would come in helpful. i mean i didn't watch hours of how to beat for nothing.

you made your down to the train station looking for comfort in the memories of your days as a small performer. when you tried your best to make money to keep yourself afloat during the end of high school back when you were still in the light music club...

but sadly you didn't have time to distract yourself with memories of the past.

as the sky darkened a light suddenly lit up within the station. a bright light showed on the showed on the signs that would typically show the train times. confusion spread your face as you begin the read what it said, 'welcome players, the game shall commence in a moment.'

"game?" you quietly whispered to no one but yourself.

before you could think any longer the sign the changed 'this way to the game arena'. implying you should head further into the station where some abandoned trains seemed to wait. accompanied by a somewhat red light that aluminate the surrounding area.

hoping the back of your brain this would be your chance to meet some other "players" you foolishly made your way towards the game arena.

you cautiously walked over and show a table filled with phones joined by a sign saying 'one per person'. there was a total of four phones which continued to fill you with the hope there was other people here.

you sat close to the table and started fiddling in your bag attempting to find your cassette player whilst you wait, you knew you wouldn't survive here if you didn't have music it's already what keeps you alive during everyday life and if you needed comfort at anytime that time was definitely now. you finally found it and preceded to zone out.

by the time you had came back to reality you overheard a women asking the questions you had been wondering all afternoon. she had quite long black hair with bangs, along with her white dress and she carried a handbag.

what you managed to make out of the conversation is everyone here was just as confused as you were. nobody knew where everyone else had gone, all they knew is they had to play these "games" if they didn't there was serious consequences. you didn't exactly know what they meant, but you didn't have much time to worrying about that as the screen changed to 'registration had closed'.



sorry this chapter was short, but i hope your looking forward ? to your first game next chapter.

it will be taking more inspiration from the one in the manga than the one mentioned within the show.

thank you for reading !!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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