First Kiss - Part Four

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Holly's POV
You were talking when randomly you asked "Cal is this a date?" he looked at you and winked. Then said "if you want it to be" u talked about your lives not mentioning the cancer bit. He told u he was in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer, 5sos for short. That night he walked you home. You were sat on your phone when Cal rang you...

H=Holly C=Callum l
C-hello H-hey C-I forgot to ask you something H-what is it? C-will you be my girlfriend H-okay C-I gotta go love you H-okay bye... you hung up.
*next day*
You woke up late you did your hair and makeup and got changed. When your bestie Cara knocked on the door.
H=Holly C=Cara
H- listen Cara we gotta talk C- what is it H-you know the new boy Callum? C-Yes, why? H-he took me on a date yesterday and were dating C-Awhh that's brill H- it's just he don't know I'm ill how do I tell him? C-give it a week see how ur relationship is going and just slip it into a convo H-thankyou Cara.

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