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      It was a fairly nice sunny day in Faraway Town. Music could be heard in the town’s neighborhood, a duet of a piano and violin playing. The music soon abruptly stopped though, finishing with a screech from a violin. 

     Mari sighed and stopped playing the piano and rested her hands to her side. She looked up at her brother, Sunny, who held the violin and its bow. “...Sorry…” Sunny said quietly. “It's fine,” Mari muttered, she ran her fingers through her hair. “Just try a little harder this time...” 

     Mari and her brother were rehearsing for the upcoming recital they were going to do tonight. It was stressing Mari a bit, not only because Sunny kept messing up, but because of all the people that were going to be watching them, almost the whole town. Her future depends on this.

      “Alright, let's get started, shall we?” Mari looked at her little brother. Sunny seemed a little troubled, “Don’t worry Sunny, you’ll be able to hang out with your friends after this, okay? We just have to practice for now for the recital so it can be perfect, don’t you want that?”  Sunny stared at the ground for a bit before nodding slowly up at her. “Great!” Mari smiled, she then lifted her fingers to the piano and started, Sunny soon followed after her…


     “UGH!” Mari stopped playing and stood up from the bench, “Sunny, you were just doing fine yesterday, why are you messing up now?” Sunny looked up at her, “...I’m sorry,” Sunny grunted. “I’m sorry, it's just this has to be perfect, the recital is only in a few hours, please Sunny you need to try harder,”

     The recital had to be perfect, or else how will others see her and Sunny?

     “I...I am trying,” Sunny stuttered out, her brother obviously a bit upset. “Not hard enough…” Mari mumbled, sitting back down on the bench lifting her fingers to the piano once again. Sunny gripped his violin tightly and ran out of the piano room. “Sunny? Sunny, where are you going?!” Mari stood up from the bench and followed after him. 

     Sunny stood at the bottom of the stairs, “I- I don’t want to do the duet anymore,” Mari sighed, “Sunny stop being childish, we've been practicing for this for weeks now. Now come on, and let's finish practicing,” Sunny shook his head, “I don’t want to do the duet! I- I don’t want to play the violin!” the young boy angrily yelled. 

    “Sunny, quit it. How can you say that? We have been practicing for a while now, so you can’t quit now.” Sunny started climbing the stairs and stopped once he reached the top of it. “Sunny what are you doing?” Some scoffing could be heard behind Mari, but she decided to ignore it.

 Sunny lifted up his violin above his head, “What are you- WAIT! NO!” Sunny threw the violin down the stairs, Mari and Sunny watched silently as it shattered against the ground.

 “SUNNY WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” The violin was definitely broken, Mari hovered over it as she glided her hand over it, it definitely couldn't be fixed. Mari’s hands curled up into fists, “ me and Hero..y-your friends we-” 

“I-I’m sorry...I didn’t…” Mari started walking up the stairs, “You’re...sorry?” Mari looked up at him, “We did so much to get this...violin for you! A-and you just break it like it's nothing?” Mari felt her eyebrows furrowed, ‘Everything was ruined…’ 

Sunny stepped backward, “I-I tired! You’re never satisfied with what I do! I don’t want to play the violin anymore!” ‘Satisfied…no one would be now.’

“You- YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO BREAK IT!” Sunny flinched at her yelling, he tried running past her but Mari blocked him,  “Don’t you DARE run away! Sunny, have you REALIZED WHAT YOU DONE- You-!”

Mari didn’t get to finish her sentence before she felt herself being pushed and falling backwards. She tried to stand on one of her feet but her leg gave out, being badly hurt from one of the softball games she played. Mari tried to grip onto the railings, but it was too late.

The world seemed to slow, with a horrified face, her brother watched as she fell down.

Sunny pushed Mari down the stairs.

Her own little brother pushed her.


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