Mha #5

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Name: Oni Macashibo

Nicknames: Demon, horns, shi shi

Age: 16

Gender: female

Sensuality: demi

Crush: open

Quirk: Miasma

Quirk details: Miasma makes it where Oni exhales a dangerous gas that in very small doses will cause dizziness and fainting, but is extremely fatal in higher amounts. This is uncontrolled to the most part, and Oni can only adjust the toxicity of it to a very limited degree. More polluted air causes her Quirk to get stronger and change what the toxicity gas is exactly.

Hero or villian: Hero

Alias: the Yokia hero-Hannya

Personality:Oni can be rather cold and distant to start. She is very blunt and isn't the type to spare feelings. However, under that cold rough exterior is a sweet, honest natured girl. At heart, she really wants to help people despite her Quirk and name

Appearance:(I'll draw her, but for now a gatcha pic is at the top sense Watpad won't let me put it in here.

Likes:sweets, Mochi, children, animals, comics and manga, sunset/rise, and rice balls

Dislikes: her name, sours foods, confined spaces, her lack of control of her quirk, bullies, needless violence, and hospitals

Other: her Quirk started when she was around 5, so her parents just named her Oni to be a-holes. She always wears the gas mask sense it's a safety issue if she doesn't. Outdoors or in a well ventilated room, she can take it off as long as no one is next to her at all. She also where's the crown on her horn to hide a Crack in it from her being a clutz as a child

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