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Leon's in front of a box with yellow tape cutting the tape. "I know my way around should be easy" Aria sighs

"Good. Are you ok? I mean well uh I don't know are you?" Leon gulps not knowing what to say but proceeds to pen the box revealing a lever and pulling on it

"Lots of things I work at the orphange..."

Few hours Before
Aria is in her truck looking back to see kids squeezed in in the back the front and the trunk in fear "hold on" Aria starts to drive fast away

Time skip
"Too many pile ups around dammit" Aria says to herself looking around driving until she hears a loud beep. She turns to her left seeing a larger truck crash into Aria's truck

Time skip
Aria's on the ground in the middle of the street standing up to see her crashed truck "Kids!?"

"Damn I'm sorry I'm sure those kids made it out"

"I hope" Aria sighs hearing a beep from the door opening

"This is not how I imagined my first day..." Leon reloads his gun

"As a cop?" Aria asks as they walk in the lobby


"Very sorry about that"

"Thanks" Leon sighs "At least I'm not alone here"

Aria smiles "Yeah" They walk into a dark hallway destroyed bloody. Leon turns on his flashlight

"So are you from here?" Leon asks

"Born and raised" They both hear a static

"This is 73-bird - for rescue"

Leon sees a dead police officer's body on the ground, he then kneels down and lifts the officer's head to see it mostly slashed off. Leon looks in disgust "Oh... Oh, What the fuck!?"

Aria covers her mouth "A zombie didn't do that that's for sure" They hear a clank noise

"huh? What!?" Leon turns around standing up seeing another body hooked

"Not a fun way to die" Aria looks at Leon


Time skip
Aria and Leon are in the lit up library clearing out zombies. Aria pulls out her arrow out of a head until Leon's radio goes off "Aria Leon There's something you two need to see"

"got it we're coming" Leon replies watching Aria get back her arrows "So how did you learn that?"

"Archery?" Aria asks putting the arrows on her back holder facing Leon


"Practice" Aria smiles "Self taught"

"That... That's pretty cool"

"Thanks" Aria walks to the Library exit door back to the main area to find Marvin waiting for them where they left him on his laptop. Leon follows behind Aria "There you are...Come here, take a look"

Aria and Leon move closer to Marvin to look at the laptop to see security footage outside to see a woman with her hair up wearing a jacket outside the gates "Yes! I knew she'd make it." Leon says in excitement and relief

Marvin winces "You know her?"

"Yeah,name's Claire. I came into town with her"

Marvin winces again in pain "You can get to the courtyard through the second floor... East side" He points behind and puts pressure back on his side

Leon looks up at the door he's pointing too "We're on it" He looks back at Marvin pausing for a moment "Thanks, Lieutenant". Aria and Leon walk up the stairs

"So you two just met?" Aria asks

"Yeah at a gas station just out of town it got taken over by zombies" Leon explains

Aria gulps "It's outside of the city?"

"Yeah" Leon stops walking in front of Aria and pats her shoulder "Those are kids are gonna be ok"

Aria nods and they keep going to find the office "it's straight ahead". They walk out.

"Should we check around for bullets?"

"yeah" Aria replies as they make a left to the art room

Leon walks over to find a card "A keycard?" Leon shows Aria

"the weapons locker room?"

"We passed that right?"


"Is that everything?"

Aria looks around to see nothing "this room yeah" Aria walks out with Leon behind her. They walk toward the exit door before hearing a helicopter noise. "What is that?" Aria looks around to see at the door a flash of light before the helicopter crashes near them making fall backwards. They run outside in the rain. Leon turns on his flashlight at the crash to see sparks and a dead pilot

They hear someone below "Hey! Leon?!"

Leon looks down running to the edge of the railing "Claire! Hold on! We'll be right there!" Leon runs ahead of Aria downstairs to see Claire pull on the door but no luck

Leon smiles "Claire... It is so nice to see you"

"How're you doing? That helicopter just came out of nowhere..."

"Yeah... We're in one piece. This is Aria Colbert"

"Hey" Claire looks at her

"Hey" Aria smiles and waves

"I'm guessing you don't have a key in one of those fancy pockets?" Claire looks at Leon's outfit

"Unfortunately,no... but, How are you doing?"

"You know, just surviving" Claire smiles leaning on the door

Leon chuckles "That's good. Any luck with your brother?"

Claire's smile goes away "no, not yet"

"Claire, don't lose hope... I'm sure we're gonna find him-" They hear an explosion from behind Leon and Aria. They all turn to look at the helcopter that exploded hearing the fire alarms

"Dammit. You know what that means..." Leon turns to face Claire

"yeah..." Claire goes to pull out her gun "Dinner time" Claire turns around to see a bunch os zombies rise from the ground and banging on the fence

"Claire, I think you should go"

"Don't worry about me, Leon. Take care of yourselves"

Leon puts his hand on the door "Claire, you need to go - now!"

The Moon is my sun (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now