we're gonna go

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"never thought I'd be using a bomb" Leon holds a small bomb in his hand in an attic type area in front of a jail cell that doesn't open

Aria chuckles "same" Aria looks around it before putting in batteries "ok Once I activate we run behind a wall"

"got it" Leon nods. Aria puts the bomb on the wall and they run behind a wall until they hear the explosion

"What a day" Aria gets up with Leon

"Should be easier from here on out right?"

"hopefully" Aria looks at the medallion on the statue. She tries to grab at it. Leon looks at the book and turns a page "there's sort of code here"

Aria looks around to see dials "oh yeah right here but uh-" Aria points to the dirty semi covered code on the statue

"Looks like it's a guessing game"

Aria starts to move the dials "what statue is this?"

Leon looks at the book "Maiden"

"Where's the others?" Aria hears a click then grabs the Maiden Medallion

"Unicorn is right next to the library and the Lion is behind the goddess statue"

Aria starts walking ahead "Great we can get the hell-" Something jumps down with on all four a tail with a brain like face with sharp teeth and claws covered in bloody skin "what the-!?"

The monster attempts to jump at Leon "ah!" Leon pulls out his gun

Aria tackles the monster. The monster sticks out it's long tongue. "jesus!" Aria stabs the monster's head multiple times till it stops screetching.

"What the fuck!?" Leon helps Aria up

Aria looks at herself covered in blood and out of breath. "Shit let's get out of here" Leon walks ahead to see a bookshelf covering their way starting to lift it up

Aria looks at the blood in her hand hearing heartbeats in her ear. She shakes her head frantically putting her hand down then walking out to find Leon waiting for her downstairs of the library. Aria climbs down the ladder to Leon "everything ok?"

Aria nods "I'm ok"

"ok good" Leon smiles "um the door is um over there" Leon points to his left

"Let's go then" Aria and Leon walk over to the door to find a unicorn statue in another room. Aria turns the dials until she hears the click "One more"

"We need a plan" Leon suggests

Aria picks up the medallion "you have any?"

"Find Claire find a car and get out hopefully"

Aria smiles "We will". They walk out to the library then walks back in the main

"I'll get the Lion be right back"

"ok" Aria walks to the goddess statue in front of Marvin laying down putting in the medallion seeing some movement "shit it's real". She puts another medallion to see more movement seeing bars. Aria kneels down down to see a door "wow"

Leon puts in the last Medallion and they watch the white door fully emerge. "Here" Leon walks ahead and opens the door flashing a light barely seeing stairs leading to an office "so it goes underground... huh"

"Sewers?" Aria questions

"Guess we're gonna find out That it- that's our way out" Leon turns off his flashlight turning to Marvin "Lieutenant Branagh! Marvin!" Leon walks to Marvin laying down barely moving even more sickly "It's time to go" Leon kneels down "Marvin"

Marvin jumping up growling "Hey, Marvin... We need to get you to a hospital right now"

No, no... I..." Marvin gets frantic

Aria walks over to Marvin "Marvin there's one way"

Marvin turns around "Save yourself..."

"Come on, I've got you-" Leon tries to grab Marvin


"Look, We can still make it out of here together, if you just gimme-"

Marvin turns around with a gun in Leon's face "It's too late. I tried... but I couldn't stop it. We can't let this thing spread. It's most likely why your father was taken Aria its on the two of you now. Just go..."

"I Understand" Leon starts to walk away

"I'm sorry Marvin" Aria holds back her tears hugging him

"I'm sorry too"

Aria quietly walks over to Leon inside the door hearing Marvin wince. They turn around to see the door close behind them "I won't let you down, Marvin"

The Moon is my sun (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now