How the fuck I get here

22 1 0

What the fuck stay away
O there god what in the hell

If you wondering what in the hell  I'm
Screaming is because I'm running away from hord of mob

Yes ........ Mob in ..... Minecraft

First of what the hell and how

Let my flash back show you


Ok I lost to another game well
Time to eat

I get out of my chair/territory
To go to the kitchen
A shit out of food well going to....,...............

The store it is

Time skip

Ok I got what i need now I gonna get home before it's night time

*Hold out a phone and start walking*

**Truck kun. Beep beep mother fucker **

What the fuuuuu.. and I was hit by truck kun

Ouch what the hell was that

What the

Holy shit.......... I'm in Minecraft....


Wait if is this Minecraft that mean
I can see my inventory now how
The hell I'm gonna do it I don't have a key board or knew how

Ok let's try to get a wood

*Walking to a tree *

Ok let's

*Punch a tree*
*Crack bone sound*

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what the hell ouch ouch ouch ok punching a tree was not a good idea

Ok now what well I need to find a village or something

Walk to a random direction

Ok where the hell I'm I

I was heading to a random direction and not found a single

I gonna lose my mind here where the heee.


What the hell now I losing my mind


Ok now that real and not my insanity losing

*Walking to the direction of where the sound is*

Ok what are yo

Holy shit what happened to you

???. What are you doing here with no armor or a weapon to use

Yea no shit Sherlock

What happened to you
Why are you so bloddy and shit

???.undead attacks our camp

Any survivor or some of your little club get away

???. No I'm the only one survive

Well shit

Looks like your injury might be a bite and you said your camp or club what ever the fuck you call them attack by undead

Tell me is the undead is a rotten walking corp's that only objective
Is to eat any alive things

???.yes why

You might been bitten by a undead

???.yes I now so what

What's your name

???.Luke why

*Grabbing a rock*

Say hi to God for me

Luke. What

*Grabbing a rock and hit him repeated*


may your soul in peace Luke

And hello free stuff

*A few minutes later*

So a sword that go through hell

A pouch full of gold

What else


A dagger is this suppuse to be in
Minecraft or I'm in another world same as Minecraft but different that villager knight
Is more of a anime looking guy no long
Knose but a normal one

If this is alternate Minecraft what else is changes

O I gonna need that boots and chest plate

A shit is getting dark I need to fine a place to hide before


Shit (⁰_⁰)

A zombie I need to run

Wait the sun still up what the

The place getting dark what

I was looting that guys body in about a minute how wait if I calculated the time I walk in this direction and talk to that guy before I send him to the shadowrealm

Ok I wake up about 12 hours and walk 5 hours saw the dud in the
Cave talk to him a bout a half an hour and kill him and loot his body
That mean is 6.09pm

A shit

No stay away stay away aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

*Flash back end*

Now you know how I'm in this
Situation . Now excuse me I need to get out of here

Slash. Slash swish thud thud thud

How Hu puff the hell are they so many

Slash stab Slash swish

If I had a gun that we'll be appreciated

Slash stab

If I continue I well ran out of stamina dammit

Wait that's it I need to escape some how the dark undead like zombie can't see in the dark
Because it's eyes are rotten that mean there blind

Jack pot

Is time to use the family art
Getting the hell out of here

We see him run like hell
Getting farther

And run to the left

Ok I'm in a good distance let's see

He turn his back but there's nothing


First knight survive

Huff puff Huff puff

Finally the sun  is here a thank

If the world is like this then I need to know everything about this world and if this is like Minecraft but fantasy like

This one hell of a adventure then

Look out world Badboy 2014 is here

Chapter one finish

Ok I'm in the game I like what nowWhere stories live. Discover now