Episode 13

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What should I do?

Kapoor House, Office room

Advait gets up from the corner of the room putting all his strength. He reminisces over what Naaz had told him and the words "Nehmat spent the night with you thinking you were Ekam" keep ringing in his mind again and again. He puts his hands on ears to stop those words from hovering in his ears but they do not stop. Advait was unable to control himself.

Kapoor House, Kitchen

Nehmat while working in the kitchen gets thinking, "I wonder how is Advait going to fix everything? I shouldn't have put all the pressure on him." She then looks at the clock and realizing that it has become quite late, gets wondering, "It's quite late and Advait should have returned by now. Maybe he is studying in the office room. I should go and check there once."

Nehmat starts towards the office room. In the office room, Advait continues to cry keeping his palm in his eyes "kya dekhna tha kya hai dikha...kismet mein shayad yahi tha likha" plays in the background, Audio given below


As the wordings "waariyaan waariyaan jaan waariyan" plays Advait slowly staggers outside the room while Nehmat is near the room. The song continues to play with Advait weepingly walking outside, while Nehmat reaches the office room. Both miss seeing each other. The song ends.

In the office room

Nehmat looks all around and says, "If Advait is not here? Then when he must be?"

On the road

Advait is shown driving with tears rolling down his cheeks. He continues to think about his and Nehmat's happy moments kya dekhna tha kya hai dikha...kismet mein shayad yahi tha likha. He stops the car unable to drive anymore takes a beer bottle from the car and starts staggering down the road while drinking. The song continues to play. As the song comes to an end, the beer in Advait's hand finishes. He throws the bottle and asks himself, "What should I...what should I do?" He shouts, "What should I do now?" Just then he hears a kirtan. Advait had unconsciously staggered near a gurudwara. He thinks, "Now only Babaji can answer my question." He goes infront of the gurudwara leaves his slippers, covers his head with a cloth and goes inside. Kirtan continues to be heard. Advait goes near the worshipping place kneels down and prays. "Baba give me an answer. What should I do now? I never thought Nehmat still had feelings for Ekam when she was trying to move on. Now that I know it what should I do? What should I do?" As he was still questioning about what to do in his mind with his forehead to the ground, the Granthi near the worship area touches his head with a chaur. Advait looks up. The Granthi asks him, "Seems like you are very disturbed and are asking Rab ji for an answer in your ardaas?" Advait was surprised. He gets up folds his hand in front of the Granthi and says, "I'm in a great dilemma Baba!!" The Granthi asks, "Well what is your dilemma about my child?" Advait sighs stops for a moment and says, "It's about my love".

Kapoor House, Dining room

The Kapoor family is having dinner while Nehmat is constantly looking at the door for Advait. Nikhil weakly tries to serve Naaz when she chides him saying, "I still have two hands and can do my things on my own." Rama and Neeru Bua look on. Soon Rama notices Nehmat constantly looking at the doorstep and tells her, "Nehmat, Advait must be caught up with something. You should sit and have dinner with us." Nehmat giving a half-smile, "No Aunty ji I am fine, I will have dinner with Advait once he comes back." Naaz smirks on hearing that, "Tsk-tsk, my dear Nehmat, I pity on you. You are waiting for your husband to return but little do you know that your husband will not return to you not today nor ever because I have told him something about you which no husband can ever bear to hear." She then rubs her nose with her index finger saying, "Hun hona hai swaad!"


The Granti smiles and says, "My child. Love is equivalent to Rab in our culture and the other name of love is freedom. Free your love from all the hassles she has in her life and make her happy then you shan't receive happiness." Advait was bewildered to hear those words.


To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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