The Beginning

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Feral meets a girl

Girl wants to fuck him

Feral says no thanks

Girl says what about for free then?

Feral looks at her what?

Girl says yeah let's fuck for free no charge

Feral okay you know what I can pay you a lot

Girl says yeah?

Feral yeah..

"Pulls out of knife stabs her in the stomach"

You stupid bitch.

Girl looks horrified and whistles in pain

Feral looks at her

Girl tried crawling away

Feral stomps her to death


After that Feral breaks down as he calls someone telling them to stop being so god damn stupid

Throws the phone to the ground


Looks extremely pissed and sad

Few moments later..

Feral goes to meeting

Guy brags about f*cking girls

And calls them wh*res and that they got paid good

Feral says really? So you paid her

Guy says yeah bro that's what wh*res are for

Feral looks at him extremely intensively..

Oh yeah now it make sense too that's why they exist huh?

Guy looks at him with other guys

Feral gets up because of you people..

At matter of seconds Feral hits the guy in the head and graps him and then stabs him

In the neck and throws him to the ground

Guy pleading others try call for help

Feral beats him to death




Guys start running away

Feral stops and takes the guys money covered in blood

Sees a homeless person at the street

Feral walks towards the homeless person and looks at him intensively

Homeless person looks at him

Feral gives him the money

Homeless person says ah? For me! T.. thank you..

Feral says don't mention it.. After some silent..

He walks away from the homeless man and leaves the scene

F*ck this city..

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