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"What the goomba?" Gabe said, he stared at Clara's super sized cabinet. "Enough with your Mario talk." I ordered, he kept staring. I saw Barbie, but now she was a bit bigger than us, like an adult. Then the creepiest thing happened, she got up and dusted herself off. "Hello." Barbie said, Gabe and I both looked at each other and ran towards... Well nowhere, we just ran.
"Where are we gonna go?!" Gabe cried, I looked for an escape. "We climb Clara's bed!" I yelled, I headed towed it. Luckily Clara hadn't cleaned her bed and her pink blanket slopped down towards the floor. We started to climb, I reached the top. But then the blanket started to fall. "NO NO NO!" Gabe yelled, I dived towards the edge and grabbed his arm, like they do in the movies. After I helped him up, we looked around for Barbie. "She.. Is gone." I said, Gabe still looking. "Gabe did you hear?" I said, I turned to face him. And just as I did that he collapsed. "Gabe?" I asked, I turned around to face Barbie. "Gah!" I said and stumbled backwards, Clara's pillow touching my back. "Don't be frightened! Let me take you home so we can talk I this out!" She said, I looked for another exit place. I ran and jumped to Clara's dresser, I went onto the handle of Clara's door. With all my might, I stomped down on it, causing it to open the door. I fell until I hit the floor, I didn't get up for a few minutes and closed my eyes.

I opened them again to see Barbie staring at me, everything was dizzy, but my conscience came into place. I kicked her back and started to run again. I went out the door and into the hall. I jumped step after step downstairs and went into the kitchen. I decided to go to the fridge, I looked behind my back, I escaped her.

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