~ Distracted ~

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Sarah's POV

     "Sarah... Sarah! Sarah?!" Roach yelled over the coms inside our helicopter, his voice started off sounding distant and muffled but slowly become clear and loud ringing through my head, we were both flying over the frozen Tundra of Russia, travelling towards a naval base roughly 14 miles outside of Petropavlosk. So we were flying to be roughly 16 kilometres away from the base "You seem abit distracted?!" He commented looking at me through his snow goggles.

     So, my brothers alive, he kept this 'Team Rainbow' a secret for years even though he usually told me EVERYTHING and I told him EVERYTHING. Not to mention the slight inconvenience that was spending almost a year and a half trapped inside some Russian gulag after watching everyone I care about get blown up and die. Hell for all I know Ironclad and Vulture are still alive somewhere! So yes, i'm a little distracted!!!

"Huh? No no im fine, just spaced out is all" I lie through my teeth giving him a small smile, my large arctic camo coat, beenie and neck earmer keeping me nice and warm with the insanely cold wind blasting us through the opening side doors and yet my cheeks still turned a bright glowing red from the very same wind. Stepping out with Roach, he raises his M4A1 and I cock my H&K 416, with an L11A3 strapped tightly to my back "Alright spotter, lets move, the recon position is only 12 kilometers away." I say and we both start walking, starting off in silence just walking around, not super tactically but we were carefully listening into our surrounds. Hearing things like deers and foxes but luckily completely avoiding the sound trucks, jeeps, half-tracks and tanks.

     After a while, we had travelled about half the distance when Roach spoke up "So... Echo how did your trip to Rainbow headquarters go?" He asked and Sarah just looked at him, a little confused at the random mention of her trip.

     "Oh um... well all things went well considering. Met the brother I thought was dead for the past year and a half  met all of his friends that know more about him than me, his sister, does. He overall avoided talking about how he survived but well... yeah went well" I explain, deffinitely breaking into a rant which caused Roach to give abit of a sarcastic and drawn out 'Riiiiight' before we went back into awkward silence. But honestly? My mind was also occupied by a recent addition to my small index of friends, the Ghost himself. I dont know what it is, his level of secrecy and mystery? The fact he helped in saving me from that god awful place? Or maybe it was simlly the fact his cool aesthetic but strong and intimidating demeanor intruiged me on a primal level? Hell maybe it was all of the above but all I knew was that I want to spend more time with him.

     It had been about 2 hours of walking now and we finally reached our destination, a small mountain across an entrance to a fjord that lead inland. As Roach set up a bashur next to a small outcrop of the mountain to give some extra protection incase of a snow storm. Meanwhile I started to dig out a portion of snow that would allow out silhouette to just become apart of the background of the background around us in the instance we are spotted, taking out my L11A3 and setting it down on its bipod and laying down behind it.

     Taking a deep breath I take the rifle into my hands, the last time I felt the grip of this rifle was the second to last mission I ran for the JTF2, smiling as I fondly reminisce on the clean kill that had resulted in, looking down the scope I start to scan the base, using the hi-tech scope to record everything mh scope sees "These Russians... they're weapons look the equivelant to fucking plastic... not to mention they wear red digi camo in the fucking tundra" I mutter to myself, letting out my frustration on the quality of care provided to teh Russian military "Atleast their kit looks warm... poor bastards" I continue on mentioning the dmall details I could see that didnt really matter in the broad scheme of things

     Roach laid down next to me and just stared at me as I nattered on randomly talking about absolute nonsense. I pull away from my scope and look at him for a moment "Just- start spotting for me-" I say before leaning back into my scope, keeping my breathing slow and controlled as to avoid any swaying for the recording.

     "I have eyes on the nuclear sub, dock 3, 4.6km out" Roach said and I adjust the scope to look over the sub "Okay... we just have to spend the next 5 hours recording the soldiers and the sub, then we can upload the footage for the rest to examine for a more detailed plan" he then explained and I just nodding slowly. The first 3 hours went slow, very slow, frost starting to form on the ends of my hair and eyebrows from the cold.

     "Yeah... im deffinitely counting atleast 136 soldiers on constant patrol of the base. Then they'll be more inside on reserve. A base like this?" I hum as I think "Im gonna guess atleast another 100 inside, then theres the surrounding bases that can send in trucks and BTR's. This is going to be difficult even for 141..." I say, obviously too pessimistic for the likes of Roach as he gently nudges my shoulder

     "Have some faith Echo, we got this" he said full of optimistic belief which just made me sigh "So... before we left I saw you staring at Simon from across the armoury, you got the hots for the man who never shows his face or talks about himself?" He asked, my face instantly went from the cold bitterness of the Russian autumn and snow to warm from embarrassment

     "So what if I do? Its not like its any of your business-" I argue but he just laughs at me a little and shakes his head, "What? Got a problem 2ith me for being intruiged with a person he has a mysterious background?" I try to save myself but clearly Roach could not be convinced otherwise.

     "Id say your mor than just intruiged, you've stuck to his hip any chance you gotten! But honestly I have to say, guy like Ghost? Hes loyal but I get the feeling theres alot of damage under those sunglasses and skull mask, be careful with that area" he warned me which I honestly couldnt argue with, people who go to such great lengths to hide their emotions that are shown through their face and eyes deffinitely arent 100% okay inside, but without knowing what hes hiding it would be hard to be careful. Kind of like walking through a room where the only floor is a specific path and everything around it is a pit of spikesz and the path is narrow but with his mental fortitude to do this job there may be a safety railing there.

    Either way... his damage surley wouldnt be able to hurt me that bad... Right?

Hello everyone! Its been uh... a long time, but hes a chapter to say that- I may start this up again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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The Echo of a Ghost - A CoD Story - Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now