~ Background Check ~

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After the mission to the Gulag was over, the elite 4 man squad of: Captain Mactavish; Roach; Worm and a mysterious Lieutenant Simon Riley -also known as Ghost- and Price, were bring debriefed about the almost failure of saving their only lead on this big russian warlord. Sarah had to wait in the General's office while he recovered papers and documents about her background and anything and everything they needed to know.

     Eventually a man in a blue bluish white arctic camo walked in the room, he had an older look with small wrinkles on his face, and a white mustache that perfectly complemented his war veteran look. He also wore a beret that had 3 stars on it, indicating his general status. He was also followed by a soldier in a big blue jacket with a baje plate carrier over it, he also had a black balaclava that had part of a skull designed on it, while also wearing sunglasses to hide his eyes which intrigued Sarah greatly.

     "Sarah Côté, aka The Echo." The General started talking, reading the file out loud "Joined the Canadian Military at the age of 16, joined the canadian mountain sniper division and worked your way through the ranks until you became a Sergeant Major, and offered a place in the Canadian special forces known as the JTF2 at the age of 21 and furthering your career to 2nd Lieutenant until you went missing, 1 year ago" the General put the file down on his desk and rubbed his eyes "What makes you so special you got into the JTF2?" He asked

     "I don't know, my recruiter said that with furthering my team work and improvising skills, I could probably rival the american sniper Chris Kyle" Sarah shrugged, she did think it was a small achievement by no means, but she wanted to look confident in front of the general. He looked to the man in the balaclava behind him and they both nodded to each other.

     "Sarah" he spoke again "While imprisoned you had encountered Captain John Price. He tells us that you two had met very early on in your imprisonment. I want to know why you were imprisoned in The Gulag" He explained stroking his mustache slightly with his thumb and index finger, staring at Sarah with cold and serious eyes.

    Sarah thought for a moment on how to word her story "Well… maybe half a year before I was sent to The Gulag, me and my squad were assigned with retrieving intelligence about this russian warlord, we weren't told his name or what he had done but they seemed serious about the mission so I only assumed it was horrific." Sarah started explaining "My team tracked the information we needed to a safe house in this Eastern European village somewhere in Serbia or Ukraine, I honestly don't remember. But my team had arrived at the perimeter and…" Sarah trailed off telling the whole story of the mission.

Flash back

     As we arrived at the perimeter of the village we all took cover behind a rock, we all had an M4A1 and I had my Intervention sniper on my back with a silencer attached to the muzzle. After about 20 minutes of monitoring the village, the darkness making it harder, we our team leader Jack, aka Ironclad, had come up with a plan of attack.

     "Alright everyone, the intel is i  the center building, so once we get to it we won't have our sniper support" Jack said much to the dismay of us all "There are also civilians in the village so check fire, if they even look suspicious though, drop em, we can't risk not getting this information. Now, Sarah will stay up here and provide previously mentioned sniper support, while the rest of us clear a path through the buildings, quietly." We all nod agreeing with the plan.

     Ironclad, Delilah aka Vulture and my brother Seb, or Buck as he liked to be called checked to see if the road was clear while I set up my sniper position, it helped we were on an elevated hill. Once knowing it was clear the other three charged over to the closest wall of the first building. They turned the corner and set themselves up on either side of the door and started the breach and clearing.

     Eventually the team made it to the center building of the village, it was made of orange brick and had a roof made of what looked like a muddy substance. As is they had been planning it for months they expertly breached into the main building, though, this time the inevitable flash of guns going off as if it were a disco, did not come.

     "All clear" I heard Ironclad whisper down the comms which gave me a huge feeling of relief. About 5 minutes had gone by and all of a sudden a large truck came speeding towards the village. Confused I looked through the scope of my rifle at the driver, seeing that he was fully kitted up in russian military gear I frantically shouted down coms.

     "Ironclad there's a 10 ton truck speeding towards you guys, military driver, taking the shot" I said it so fast I don't think they could process it. I aligned my crosshairs with the driver's head, I started putting pressure on the trigger, bang. I released the trigger as a feeling of immense pain shot through my leg.
"Shit!" I whisper shouted looking back at my leg, my digital camo trousers getting stained by my blood. Looking up, I saw a russian with black hair in a black suit and a plate carrier.

     "They should not have sent you" He said, his voice had a russian accent to it obviously. Remembering the truck, my eyes widened and I looked back towards it just in time to see it ram the main building with my entire squad in it, and explode "No! SEB!" I shouted, the pain in my leg was nothing compared to the tightness in my chest, it was excruciating, no amount of physical pain could amount to this. Suddenly I felt the russina presence kneel next to me, gripping my hair tightly, forcing me to stare down the flame that had destroyed my world.

     "The world will learn", is all I heard before black, and more pain in my head, he had pistol whipped the back of my head, knocking me unconscious.

Flash back end

     "And that's the day I lost my family and freedom… until now anyway…" Sarah was shaking, bringing up the memories only ripped open the lasting scar on her heart and mind. She looked up at the two officers, the General still had his stern look but the other one, the skull mask guy, obviously this was the infamous Simon 'Ghost' Riley, 'how did I not make the connection before?' Anyway, his posture had changed from tense and intimidating to soft but still strong and he looked at me, with a sympathetic look. Even with his mask I noticed small things like how his cheek bones stood which gqve me the info.

     Shepherd sighed leaning back in his chair, "A lot of people have lost family to Makarov, what makes you any different?" He asked, this kind of confused me abit.

     "I have the skill, and connections, to get revenge for everyone" I quickly responded which made him chuckle.

     "You have the skill there's no doubt about that, but the connections? Wrong." He responded standing up and walking over to a small table with some expensive whiskey on ice and two glasses, putting a large cube of ice in each and pouring a neat whiskey. He handed me a glass and sat back down.

     "I'm going to make you an offer, one you cannot refuse." He started "Searching for revenge slone will take a massive toll, not even guaranteed success. But I can guarantee that. The 141, the most elite handpicked unit of warriors on the planet. You work as a team with these guys, you will get your revenge, and that toll will go way down, though you will still lose a part of yourself" He explained, I immediately knew my response. I downed the neat whiskey and slammed the glass on the desk.

     "When do I meet the rest of the team sir?"

The Echo of a Ghost - A CoD Story - Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now