chapter one: The room

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Max's point of view

The light shined brightly in my eyes causing me to see dots. I rubbed my head in pain as I sat up, my eyes finally clearing up and Gaining the ability to see again. looked around, I saw that I was in a big white room. almost everything white with hints of blue here and there, the machines look futuristic and completely past my comprehension. 

I looked down at my feet, "" My thoughts suddenly started to panic. Have I been stolen? Am I at the doctors. What's going on?! I suddenly heard a male voice come on in the room. I looked around but saw no one. "Hello there max", the voice said calmly. "Who are you" I yelled out, "where am I?" "Calm down," he said, "there's no need to panic you're safe". I could feel myself go pale, that's what all the bad guys say before they kill you, I thought. The voice continued, "you are at the D.U.S.K." he replied. "What is that?" I asked he was bombarding me with nonsense.

"Here, why don't I come and talk to you in person?" My heart started to pump, I'm gonna die I thought. I starting to panic when I heard a door open. I froze, and slowly started to turn around. I saw a tall skinny man with brown hair and brown eyes staring at me with a white smile. He looked fairly normal and doesn't look like his going to kill me I thought, he suddenly spoke, "maybe that's what I want you to think." His smile growing bigger, "WHAT...HOW...BUT." "Calm down," he said again slightly giggling. This is a mind reading chamber all doctors can read minds in here to see if people are telling the truth. I stared blankly at him, "why would any patient need to tell the truth about something?" He spoke again completely ignoring my question, "Here whey don't I help you out." "You're dead," he said his smile growing bigger.

 "Say what?"  "Well, you are indeed dead." "you know, no life in your body, you have no heartbeat." "I thought you were supposed to be smart?" he said he smile fading. "I know what dead means" I snapped back, "I meant What do you mean I am dead I can see you right now and talk to you, also I can see and feel my skin." He sighed "you ask so many questions."

I scowled at him my blood pressure rising, "listen here I don't have time for you jokes I need to go home!"

"calm down," he said smoothly. "Like I said, you're in D.U.S.K. it's an acronym, it stands for dead uniquely skilled kids". "Or another know as the dusk academy". "You may no longer have a home, and the likeliness of you finding one is very slim." 

"That makes no sense I replied." "You don't need to understand right now," he said, "all you have to do now is wait."

"Wait for what?" he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Here he said come with me," he started toward me and held out his hand. I ignored it and stood on my own, that was clearly a mistake because I fell right to the floor as soon as I got to my feet. He smiled "I tried to help you." "you can't use your legs yet, Gravity is different here." He held out his hand again and this time I grabbed it. When I got to my feet I felt light headed, he then let go of my hand and walked over to a desk. He picked up a few papers and a clipboard then turned back around. "If you will, please follow me and I will take you to the transformation chambers."

 I frowned "do I have to?" Yes, he replied, I scowled "fine". "He smiled great! Follow me, please."

 I started after him out of the white room. I looked around to see people scrambling everywhere. some people were talking to one another as they walked, others looked confused also. "Who are they?" I asked speeding up my Pace to catch up to him, "others kids who will be training you. And training like you." some of the kids also just arrived, and some have been here for years. 

I looked at him confused, " wait you're going to be training me?" "Yes," he responded. "Here at Dusk academy we train talented individuals like yourself in their best skill if it has any use." He started to speed up and I quickly followed. he continued to talk, "Such as extreme sports, as in strong and brave or fast and light on their feet." "Or in your case smart with an extremely great memory," he then frowned "Just to name a few." "What do you do with the people who don't have good talents?"  He stopped and pointed. I looked to where he was pointing and my heart dropped. "They go there," he replied. He looked down at his clipboard and frowned. My eyes widend, There was a city outside. It looked huge with tall skyscraper everywhere. Cars zoomed past fast in the air, one car looked like it was about to hit the building but went right through it.

"No way," I said my face in shock. "Cars can fly and pass through buildings?!" He looked up from his clipboard, "No cars can fly, they can only fly through this building because we're invisible right now." He then kept walking. "Wait," I said, starting to follow again, "why do we need to be inviable?" He stopped and turned, he pinched his nose once again but this time he seemed a little more frustrated. "Why do you ask so many questions?" I smile, because "I'm curious." He sighed and turned back around. "You never answered my question," I pressured on. "We're invisible because we don't need people knowing who were are." "We have this program to protect people from others and them selfs." "Why do we need to do that?" I asked curiosity starting to dig at my brain. 

"Listen you can ask all the questions you want when we get to the transformation room." "Ok?" I nodded and smiled. He frowned and continued talking. "Morgan will be helping you get ready and testing you to see what Field you'll be practicing in." I frowned, that sounds like an old lady name, I thought. We continued to walk after our many pauses when I saw two huge doors. On the side was a code bar. He clicked some numbers and instead of the doors opening they moved sideways showing multiple different doors pass by. My eyes widened, "no...way." I said aloud. He looked back, "our smart group just finished this. pretty nice huh?" I nodded, extremely nice." Finally, the door stopped and landed on a pair of silver doors they opened and he smiled go ahead morgan is waiting for you.

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