4*Town Reality T.V. Show - Episode 2: Tell me what you want.

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September 20, 2002 L.A., California, USA, 4:20 p.m.

Aaron T & Z are currently upstairs in Z's room making out and Jesse walks in the room.

Jesse: Ehh...

T & Z : uh.

Jesse: get dressed Ro's friend is here.

T: I thought we was his friends..

Z: yk what he mean bozo. he say w/ a smile

Jesse: Mhm looking up and down she here.


Robaire: Wassup dabbing eachother up

Dolly: Aww this house just as cozy,

Robaire giving her a look

Robaire: Thank you.

nobody knew t and z went back upstairs till they hear t's loud ass

Dolly: what duh helll


Tae walkin to the kitchen w/ some short ass shorts and a yellow shirt


Tae knowing he don't like her bc of the way she is round robaire

Tae: Ehh.. Hi

he quickly pulls robaire aside

Tae: why is she here.

Robaire: Idk she said she was at da door togo to a part-

Tae: A PARTY?!?!

tae is clearly getting angrier so robaire whispers what would happen if he was good, (if ykyk)

Tae: ok.

Robaire: i love you baby 

Tae: clearly blushing whatever

when ro and dolly come back from the party robaire is all high and he smells like weed and achohol

T: you stink

Jesse: why do you smell like ass

Z: how you know what it smell like ya nasty

Robaire who is clearly drunk: Imma just go now.

he walks up to his room to see taetae there w/ a bathrobe on and the tv on watching 365 days.

Robaire: ? you good?

Tae: I'm waiting for what i was waiting 4 hours for.

Robaire: oh he sits beside tae what is it you was waiting for

he pushes robaire aside and is on top of a throbbing "cucumber"  and unties his robe

yk what happened next so ian finna write shit else but they night ended w dolly being drunk as a mfka and t and z sleep w jesse at his wifey crib.

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