4*Town Reality T.V. Show - REUNION!!

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March 11, 2002, N.Y.C. New York 7:37 p.m.

Bobby the host: Hello everyone my name is Bobby Randel and I have they members of 4*Town and their friends and family. Please introduce yourself.

Jesse: Hi I'm Jesse and I'm the oldest of the group.

Robaire: Hey I'm Robaire and I'm second oldest.

Aaron Z: Yo I'm Aaron Z and I'm third oldest.

Aaron T: Yoo I'M Aaron T and I'm second to youngest.

Tae: Hii I'm Tae-young and I'm youngest.

Layla Jesse's gf: Hi I'm Layla J and I'm Jesses girl.

Bobby: Alrighty So.. Robaire..

Robaire: oh lord

everyone chuckles 

 Bobby: Robaire whats up with you and Justin Timberlake?

justin walks in the room and everyone goes silent

Justin: Hi.

Bobby: So justin what is the problem with Robaire like when did you have a problem with him.

Robaire: Yea when you had a problem with me. 

Justin: I had a problem with him-

Robaire: purposly stuttering when- when- when- wh- when you had a problem with me? Why was you tryna get with Tae in front of me. why. why. why.

Justin: I wanted to get with tae bcoz.. I mean i liked him..

Z: didnt you just get out of a relationship-

Jesse: Why and you know he got a boyfriend.

Justin: Ubonas girlfriend and she send me a pic I'm like wow who is this dude and see's its 4*Town and I'm like yea im gonna get him.

the crowd is listening

Justin: Then one of the r-recent times I was talking to him he was like "oh your annoying.. why you always coming to me about bullshit and even if I was to bleep him that would make him..the man

Tae: Ok, maybe it was wrong for me to come your you like that.. Even tho you know I don't like you like that. But-

Robaire: You been not liked me becoz you judge boys like me.

T: And lemme say something sorry fa cuttin you off but Justin you know you don't like tae. You only flirt with him because you wanna make Robaire mad.

Jesse: And- going back to what he said before even "if" you were to f**k him you know it wouldn't play out and that he wouldn't do it becoz he is loyal.

Justin: But ro what if you had to jump me. 

Robaire: N!gg@ I will jump yo ass again!

he jumps up ready to swing on him but jesse and z hold him back

Robaire: the fuck?

Tae: then again.. like T said you know you don't like me becoz- you thought I wasn't gonna find out about you talking shit? 

Audience: Oohh

Tae: You said- Justin: but i- 

4*Town: Be quiet.

Tae: You said "Oh he BoUt 5 pOunDs, He a StIcK i CoUlD blOW hIm RiGht OVer. BITCH BLOW. 

T: oh shit get him.. get him.

tae starts to get heated and stands up like he finna square up



justin and tae look like they finna square up and gaurds break them up.

Bobby: and we'll be back!

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