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Today's going to be a great day

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Today's going to be a great day.

The day of the world famous Sports Festival had finally arrived. The class of 1-A was tucked in a room below the stadium, waiting for the opening ceremony to begin. Some sat and fidgeted nervously, while others joked and laughed like it was any other day. Sana was somewhere in the middle. She was nervous, yes, but not about the competition. She was more confident in her abilities than ever after the intense training regimen she made with Bakugou. The Sun was out, and there wasn't a cloud in sight, so she didn't have to worry about conserving her energy.

No, she was worried about something else.

Her father.

Umi had stopped her on her way out that morning to inform her that Yoichi would be attending the event. It wasn't a surprise, really, only an inconvenience for them both. Her father droned on and on about how heroes were nothing more than attention seekers and how her dreams were meaningless and a waste of time and resources, but he had to keep up the appearance of doting father for everyone watching.

Just like someone else she knew.

Her eyes flickered over to Shoto, who looked even more self-isolated than usual. She was sure it had to do with the fact that Endeavor would also be making an appearance. The Pro had a knack for making his children as miserable as possible and special days like today were no exception. If anything, he'll probably be more irritating and overbearing than usual. Yippee.

She longed to embrace Shoto, squeeze his hand and assure him that everything would be fine, that they would get through this day together. But she had a feeling that if she tried to approach him now, given the stressful situation and tension still between them, it would only worsen the half-and-half boy's already foul mood.

She feared that if she upset him further, he'd say something he could never take back. Something that would end their friendship for good and shatter her already battered heart.

Sana felt someone watching her.

She forced herself to look away from her former friend, only to lock eyes with Bakugou. He was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. He looked like he'd just downed a bag of lemons, though she wasn't sure what she'd done to piss him off this time. She hadn't even spoken to him since the day before, when he'd made a surprise appearance at her house.

She arched her brow in question.

He huffed, his expression unreadable as he turned away. Boys, she sighed with a shake of her head. Why do they have to be so complicated?

"Midoriya." The familiar voice pulled her attention back to Shoto once more. The greenette looked startled as he turned to face the dual-haired boy. The room fell silent, all eyes now on the two boys.

𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓,   𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now