Chapter 4 - Baba Yaga

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(This is a very long chapter, enjoy)

Deadpool: Hey author, thanks for allowing to introduce version 2 of this story. Although version 2 is downgraded on story and plot, same b***ha** characters as all the others, and even more visitors, but since I'm the one who introduced it, it'll probably be a big hit.

"Your welcome, but refrain from spoiling to the readers"

Deadpool: Don't worry, your little invitation has earned you enough silence from me, until I finally get a proper reveal.


"The day he died was spread all over the news, I should be glad he's finally gone but it feel emptiness, like I've hadn't done enough. Ever since my sister and I were in care with our uncle, he told us our mother was taken from us, she was killed by a bad man, and father left us. For 9 years, we've been trained nonstop to finally face the 2 people who ruined our lives: Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Me and my sister decided to go after our targets, but what we didn't account for is our mother's killer and our father to be the same person.
During our first attempt, we attack him directly, try to see what nonsense he'll spills to us. He explained that he didn't kill our mom and he didn't know of our existence. Does he think we 9 year olds? We won't believe his petty lies, Norman taught us well. When I said his name, father looked rather shocked, telling us that Norman is a bad man and our mother's real killer. How ridiculous does that sound? The man who took us in, gave us a home, accelerate our growth rate to take you down, trained us days and night for the past 9 years to finally kill you is a bad man. Soon, the police arrived, Sarah was shot falling from the bridge, and father. . . . jumped after her and caught her? I won't let change my view of him, not after what he's done.
Afterwards, Sarah recovered, I went to pick her up, but she retaliated. She had a deep thought look on her face, told me she had doubts about what father said. 'Is Uncle Norman actually a bad man?' How could she say that? To someone who's been there for us after mother passed. She exclaimed, that both of them have lost years of their life, childhood, teenage years, formalize actual friends, and probably their adulthood. After our little discussion, I've hadn't seen her since.
On the TV, first it plays last nights horrific image, later in the morning, a machine was wearing father's suit and declared a recruitment for the NYPD. Both Sarah and I seen this, I'm not sure what this means, but one thing came to mind: I needed to kill father with my bare hands."

Later that day - Unknown location

Dead bodies scattered the room, another unknown individual salvage them and weapons vault. One man is still alive, but badly injured, tried to crawl away.

???: If you want to keep breathing, I suggest you talk. *putting his foot down on the men's back*

Fisk thug: You're crazy for coming at me and my guys, "nobody". We work for the King Pin, when he finds out what you did, he'll have your head. *laughs*

???: Like some inflated crime boss can scare me. 'So Fisk is still alive, hope he sang his prayers that ba****d'

Fisk thug: He isn't the only one, every major crime boss will be after you *chuckles* you're not safe here.

???: Then give them a message, the Baba Yaga is coming for them, *his eyes opened in realization* may God have mercy on their souls. *slowly adds pressure to the thugs wound*

Just before he could scream, more men entered the room, but they were different to Fisks' men. Not wanting to deal with them, he knocked out the thug and jumped towards the ceiling staying out of sight.

??? Thug: Whoa! Someone already beat us to the weapons vault.


??? Thug: Yes! Oh, Boss we reached the vault, but it's been raided.

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