Chapter 40

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Chapter 40 Special Bloodline

    Last night, when Moore and Iser confirmed that they would return to the family tonight, Iser briefly introduced the situation in the family to her.

    The Slot noble is one of the three nobles of Star R, with many collateral families, but because of the early death of Moore's father, the direct descendants are rare.

    In fact, there are only two orthodox children in the direct line. Although Moore is the biological child of the previous heir of the family, her mother is just a down-and-out nobleman.

    She fell in love with Moore's father because of an accident. Of course, this relationship was not allowed by the family, and they separated soon, and this relationship was also tightly concealed by the family.

    But unexpectedly, the woman was pregnant with Moore.

    The Sloat family would not allow the noble blood of the heir to be polluted by the downcast nobles who were demoted to common people. Moore's mother knew this well, so she gave birth to the child secretly without telling anyone.

    Not long after giving birth to Moore, her mother died, and Moore became an orphan and was taken into an orphanage by the government.

    This is why Moore has been living outside for so many years.

    Iser's introduction is almost the same as what Moore guessed. After being left outside for so many years, Moore guessed that it would not be some shady identity, so he calmly accepted that he was an illegitimate child.

    However, when she knew that her mother's family was demoted to common people due to crimes, she asked one more question, "Why?"

    The blood of nobles is very precious, because they have higher physical strength and intelligence than ordinary people, and they are natural leaders. They are very protected by the government, so what kind of crime is serious enough to be demoted as a commoner?

    Iser was vague about this matter, but he mentioned another point that interested Moore. He said: "The reason for your conviction is related to the special blood of your mother's family. They are different from ordinary nobles."

    "How different are you?" Normal?" Moore asked.

    "Their bloodlines can purify any germs." Esther replied.

    Moore asked excitedly: "So I will inherit her blood?"

    Esther replied at the time: "Yes."

    Moore was very pleasantly surprised, he did not expect such a small cannon fodder to have such a level of golden fingers.

    And this golden finger came so timely, she only knew yesterday that she would use it immediately today.

    "My lord?" Esther's concerned call pulled Moore back from his thoughts.

    "My lord, why do you ask such a question?" Iser was a little uneasy when Moore asked about his blood again.

    "Did Master Hill do something to you?" he asked.

    Moore shook his head and said, "No, he just bought me a drink." The

    matter has reached this point, she might as well use her tricks and see what that little devil wants to control her.

    "Let's go." Moore said.

    The thought of that little devil still looking at her from behind made him feel chilly.

    Esther nodded, saluted in the direction of Hill from a distance,

    and then walked into his spaceship with Moore.

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