- Chapter 2: Stay calm for me -

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- Willow's Pov -

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- Willow's Pov -

It didn't take long for me to full phase into my wolf form and i mentally let out a sigh of relief as i stand up on all fours and shake my fur out, enjoying the feeling of safety that runs through my veins. I looked up and tilt my big wolf head when i saw Steve on his knees with tears in his eyes, and i couldn't help but roll my eyes at him because why would he be on his knees with tears in his eye when he did this he made this happen. I see Bucky sat down on the floor in front of the glass with Tony beside him, and i know their soulmates because they trusted me with that information until they are ready to tell everyone else. Without a second thought, i walk over to the glass and sit on my hind legs opposite Bucky, hating that the glass is separating us because i want and need the comfort he can give me. I whimper, pressing my nose against the glass right where Bucky's metal hand is resting, and he looks at me sadly, knowing i don't like being locked up thanks to my past.

"This is why Steve cheated on you! You're a monster, an ugly monster!" Sharon yells, making me growl

"Sharon, will you just shut up! I cheated on her with you because you were easy! Willow is noway shape, or form a monster!" Steve snapped back, making me growl again

"Will you both just stop snapping and yelling. Willow's hearing is sensitive in this form, and you both aren't making this easy for her right now." Tony said softly, yet angrily

"Don't tell me what to do, Stark!" Steve snapped at Tony, making me snarl

"You yell or snap at my soulmate one more time Steve i will throw you out the closest window so you fall to your fucking death! I will not let you talk to Tony or Willow like that anymore!" Bucky said coldly while glaring at Steve

"Guys, stop it, we should be talking about how to help Willow change back since her inner animal won't let any of us near her." Wanda said worriedly

"Her inner animal is in protective mode to help Willow deal with all this heartbreak and pain." Bucky said sadly

"I know, just the person we will need, but he won't be happy that im calling him for the favour he owes me." Natasha said, looking at me with concern in her eyes

"Call him Nat, tell him the situation before he gets here so he knows what he is in for." Tony said, looking at me sadly

"We will forget what Bucky said about you being his soulmate for now because Willow is more important." Clint said, giving Tony a pointed look

"No, we can't forget about it!" Steve snapped again

"What. Did. I. Say!" Bucky said coldly

"Just shut up, Mr Rogers!" Peter said, sounding angry, which is unusual for him


I snarl cutting Steve off because i will not let him snap at the cute kid because he has already snapped at to many people i care about but i will not lay down and let him snap at that kid. Steve backs away with his hands up in surrender, making everyone smirk at the look of fear on his face, and i wanted to smirk to, but i can't quite do that in this form. Sharon rolls her eyes at him and hugs her barely covered body like she is trying to shield herself from everyone's view, yet it's too late for that since everyone has already seen what she is wearing. I lick the glass where Bucky's hand is, then go and curl up into a ball in one of the free corners away from everyone.

"Every needs to leave, especially you Steve, she wouldn't want you in here. Nat, go make the call, please. Bruce, can you keep an eye on her through the camera in your lab. Tony, can you help me get a few things Willow will need in there." Bucky said softly as he looked at me worriedly

"I want to stay here!" Steve said loudly, making me cover my ears with my paws

"You are not staying here with my sister! You lost that right when you cheated and rejected her. Now you can either leave, or i will drag you out!" Bucky snapped while looking at me

"No need." Wanda said, throwing an energy ball at Steve, sending him flying out the door into the corridor

"Do you want some aswell bitch!? Since you think your all high and mighty this might knock you down a few pegs!" Wanda said angrily as her eyes glowed red

"No i'm all good. I will leave." Sharon said, raising her hands in the air

"Then go!" Pietro snapped, standing beside Wanda

"I will be back soon, sister. Stay calm for me." Bucky said softly

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, Willow. We will help you every way we can." Tony said sadly

"Come on, doll." Bucky said, wrapping his flesh arm around Tony's waist

Everyone walks out of the room, leaving me alone in this big ass cell, and i don't know what to do because in this form, there isn't much i can do. I know tonight im going to feel the pain of the bond snapping and a new bond taking shape. Steve won't have to deal with this pain because he won't get another soulmate due to him cheating on me and rejecting me. The bond may have been instantly broken, but it needs to snap from our souls, which in my case will make room for another bound. My baby won't feel a thing, thank god, and because Steve rejected me, he also unaware rejected his baby since, at the moment, the baby and i are connected. I just hope Steve doesn't try to get me back now he knows about the baby because i will never go back to his cheating ass.


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