The Shock

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BBBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTT. Smoke rises above his fried body. The computer charger still lays in his hands. The dead body twitches as the electricity surges through his brain. Striking the nerves. That body lays there for hours. The whole house smells of feet. When his Waifu came home she smelled the foot smell and just knew. She ran into his office and saw his brown-red highlighted hair on his laptop keys. The letters ggfffffffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttrrttttttgtydyghhggggggfghggggfghhhhvfgygcg sprawled across the computer for pages. The room goes blurry for poor waifu and she falls to the ground in pain. Mental pain. Heart pain. No, that's not anatomically correct. Brain pain. Yes her brain feeling are hurt from the husbandos death. Her soul turns grey and spreads through her body. Everything is black. Pain and suffering fills the room. Waifu sobs uncontrollably holding onto her dear dear husbando. Remembering his sweet smile and his amazing laugh. The way his eyes sparkled when he heard a good joke. She remembered how he used to love her awesome amazing perfect puns. Aaah...she was so punny. She missed him. She'll never forget him. She doesn't know if she could ever move on. Pain surrounds her like a firey ball of insanity. Pain Without love or pain because of the lack of love. Pain because the one you love isn't there anymore. Gone. And never coming back. Poor waifu stays on top of her husbando for hours making a river with her tears.

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