Death at its finest

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The blood is gone. The iron and salt have washed away and Waifu knows nothing. Waifu feels nothing. At least, nothing negative. All her pain and suffering, gone. She thinks of her dearest husbando but no tears spill. Her eyes don't even get hot. Her love for husbando remains but remorse for his departure is no longer there. Waifu ponders this, troubled that his name doesn't  make her heart quiver. She suddenly becomes aware of her surroundings and looks around. Nothing. All is white. Forever. No walls and it appears as if there is no floor or ceiling either. Just white. She turns, and there is no difference, for miles and centuries, nothing. Frightened at the blandness of it all, she runs. And runs and runs and runs. She never gets out of breath and stops. Realizing she could have been running for hours and never once got tired or felt anything. nothing. She holds her breath, tries. Waif was never breathing. This entire time she hasn't been breathing. She tries to breath then, she inhales air then exhales, every second of this exercise feels pointless. She turns, trying to see a sign of anything. a breeze passes through her legs and she looks down to find she has a long beautiful gown on. White, tight at the top then flowing out into that of a princesses dress. Her wedding dress. Now tears do come to her eyes. But not out of saddness, but happiness for that wonderful time. "Everyones around, no words are coming now. And i can't find my breath, can we just say the rest with no sound. And i know this isn't enough, i still don't measure up. And I'm not prepared, sorry is never there when you need it." Waifu finds herself singing her wedding song so quietly she almost wasn't sure she was singing out loud, she stops, or at least she thought she did. Still, off in the distance, the next verse is being sung. The voice is too manly to be her own. Sprinting as hard as she possibly could Waifu goes in search of the voice still sing, and as she gets closer, the louder the singing becomes. "I'd be so good to you! I would....." still running, still searching, waif starts to join the voice. "I thought i saw a sign, somewhere between the lines. Maybe its me, maybe i only see what i want." in the distance a dot appears, it bobs up and down and as it gets bigger she realizes its running, and soon the 'it' becomes a person and then the 'person' becomes...oh she prayed the highest of gods she could think of. She reaches him and all remaining fear and doubt melted away. She wraps herself into husbandos kind and loving embrace. Sobbing with joy and relief, Waifu kisses Husbando like she never had before. All her bottled up love and passion spilled into husbands face. Hot. She thought to herself and giggled soflty, well the best she could with her mouth attached to Husbandos. "You have no idea how long I've  been waiting to hear that." Husbando whispers into WaifUs ear. His hot breath makes Waifu long for something she had never even thought to miss. "Your here." Waifu breathed helplessly. "Your with me and while I'm not fully positive we are alive, thats okay. Because your here, and you'll never be able to leave me again." Husbando smiles and looks down at Waifu, love and lust fills his eyes. 

For the sake of purity and privacy, I will stop their story here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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