Taylor grows up

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After attending Nashville University to become an Interior Designer, Taylor marries her High School crush/boyfriend at 24 years old. 3 years later she named her first child Meredith and takes 4 years off her job. They live in Nashville in a small suburban home. They live on a farm where she raises English Horses and teaches Meredith to ride them. When Meredith is 4 years old, Taylor has yet another child named Olivia. Taylor extends her break from work 1 more year so she can be with Olivia at home until she's 1 year old. Once Olivia is 1 and Taylor and Drew have hired a babysitter and Meredith is in Preschool, Taylor goes back to interior designing. She is so good at her job, she earns promotions easily and gets pay raises frequently. Taylor is almost 30 now and gets a job designing a building for Paul Higgins, One Direction's manager. Taylor does such a good job, she, the girls and Drew get free VIP passes to a 1D concert. Taylor goes back stage to meet the band, but someone catches her eye; Harry Styles. She says to Drew "he is super cute" and Drew just looks at her with a look that says "I am your husband". Taylor goes up to Harry and starts talking to him. They talk for 10 minutes, the whole family takes a picture with the band and Taylor gives Harry her work number, since he said he wanted to build a new house in Florida. Taylor designs a new house on the coast for Harry and never sees him again.

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