Chapter 1 - All Your Fault

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Equation Playground - Around 3:00 PM

It was a calm afternoon, everyone was minding their own business and going about their day. Seven was enjoying their favourite daily activity, laying in the luxurious green grass and staring at the clouds. He was all about calming and relaxing things, but Six? Not so much. Six was just sat next to his friend, an over exaggerated frown on his face. "Seven, This is boring! Can't we do something fun?" Six asked angrily.

"This is fun! You just aren't doing it right," Seven said to him, sitting up to face him. "Just lay back, take a deep breath, and use your imagination! The clouds make all sorts of shapes, see? That one looks like Ten!" He pointed to the large cloud, it did kind of look like Ten. Six followed his instructions and tried it himself. "Hm.. oh! That one looks like... a tree!" He said happily. Seven chuckled, he felt great knowing he managed to find something his friend Six actually liked. Even though they don't really get along, he enjoyed the company.

Meanwhile, with Five and Nine... things weren't going so smoothly. They were arguing yet again. After the amount of times these two have argued, you'd be wondering what it could possibly be every time, they'd used up every excuse to bicker with each other. "Nine, your house is filled with SKATEBOARDS! How could you possibly be denying that you have an addiction to them if we can literally see the skateboards pressed against your windows?!" Five asked him aggressively, Eight just watched silently with a blank expression. He didn't really know what to do about it.

"There aren't that many! You probably just don't appreciate how rad skateboards really are!" Nine said confidently, Five was about to add to his side of the argument when Eight finally stepped in after 15 long minutes of the two algebraliens' nonsense. "Guys! It's not a big deal. Five, leave Nine alone, he can have as many skateboards as he wants. Nine, just.. make the skateboards less noticeable, maybe that will finally stop you two from arguing," Five rolled his eyes, Nine simply just crossed his arms and left, Five did the same. Eight let out a sigh of relief as he could finally relax for once.

Four & X's House - Around 3:30 PM

"Ugh.. where is it?" Four said to himself, he was looking for his algebra work sheets. He had nothing better to do since X was out doing other things, he actually found algebra fun so it didn't really bother him. Rummaging through his stuff, he finally found them. They were slightly creased, not that it mattered, though. He sat at the table and clicked his pen, answering question after question and getting them all right. How unsurprising.. he started to miss his yellow buddy, it was getting kind of lonely.

Doing all this algebra made him remember something he had to do. He promised to do Seven's algebra sheets to finish his collection! How could he forget? He quickly got up and grabbed them from the couch a few steps away. He began working on them, at least it was something to pass the time.

Four & X's House - Around 4:00 PM

Four was still working through the sheets, picking out every little mistake he made. He was only on his third sheet out of seven of them.. obviously there were seven. The sound of the door opening broke the long lasting silence. It was X. "Four! I'm back, sorry I was gone for so long. I got a bit lost on my way back-" X stopped when he saw Four deeply concentrated on the algebra worksheets.

He calmly walked over and peeked at the sheet. "What'cha doing?" he asked curiously.
"Not now, X.. I need to get these done," Four said with a rather annoyed tone. X frowned, looking at his blue friend. He seemed so concentrated and glued to whatever he was doing. "But Fouuuurrr! Can't you just take a break?" X said desperately. He couldn't bare being alone in their room, the only sound in there was the ticking clock which he really didn't like.

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