Chapter 3 - Whisper From The Shadows

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"Four & [...]'s House - 01:32 AM"

Still laying sideways facing his wall with his eyes closed, he heard it again. Was it really his fault? Where was the voice coming from? It wasn't coming from him, so who?

Four turned over and opened his eyes.. it was all dark.

He quickly sat up, looking around for something that the strange voice could have came from. To his surprise, he saw the outline of someone.. it was...


"Hello..?" Four called out to the strange outline of himself in the room with him. He wasn't scared, but more confused. He got up from his bed and slowly walked over, being as careful as he could. He stopped behind the strange silhouette of himself and reached a hand out towards it, but stopped when it moved.

"It's your fault," it said again. Four was starting to get even more confused now. Was this a dream? Was this real? He couldn't tell anymore... he pulled his hand away from the figure and spoke to it. "What do you mean..? Who even are you?" He questioned. Four wanted answers and he wanted them now.

"He's gone, and it's your fault. It's our fault," It said to him. The figure turned around to reveal itself to be an exact clone of Four.. standing in his room. He was right. There were two of them. Four took a slight step back in surprise, unsure of what to do next. He watched the figure closely to make sure it wouldn't try to attack him in any sort of way. What was going on? Should he call someone?

Four looked around the room and everything was black, he then looked at the floor... it wasn't there. Was he dreaming? Was this all a dream? He was hoping it was a dream...

The clone of himself looked at him, and he looked back. It was starting to get uncomfortable. Four stepped forward, but then...


He fell. He was falling through the bottomless pit that was once the floor. This was definitely a dream.

Moments passed, until he could finally see the bottom. Four closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the impact. When he eventually hit the bottom, he woke up. His eyes shot open, and he was still on his bed.

10:43 AM.

He overslept a little.. but that was okay. There was nothing planned for today, but he might as well try and figure something out about X's mysterious disappearance. Four sits up on his bed, and hears someone pounding on the door. "What the hell...?" he says quietly to himself. Who was that? And why were they pounding on the door like that?


Oh, now he knew who it was. Four could tell from how loud they were being, and their voice, obviously. He walked over to the door, still tired as he opened it. He was greeted by Six standing in the doorway. "What do you want?" Four asked, a bit annoyed at how loud Six was being. As he waited for Six to answer, he stared at him. It was clear he wasn't happy about the loud noise. "I came to check on you, and to talk to you about something important!!" Six said, sounding a bit panicked as he quickly grabbed Four and dragged somewhere.

"Hey!! Can you at least tell me where we're going first?!" Four broke free from Six's grip, seeming quite annoyed that he had done that so suddenly.
"Two isn't home, they're out somewhere else so we still have some time before they get back." Four looked a bit confused, raising an eyebrow at Six's words.

"We're... breaking in?" They asked, the confusion clear in their voice.



[622 words excluding A/N]



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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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