Chapter 6

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"Fred, does this kind of stuff usually happen when people get their wands?" I asked, confused and amazed at the events that had taken place at Olivander's.

"No, not usually," he said, seeming to think hard. "It may happen with a couple wizards though. It probably happened with your parents. Stuff like that is hereditary."

"What? Wands that like to skewer you through the heart?" I huffed.

"Look. Your parents are known for their powerful spells, right?" I nodded at Fred's words. "Well you'll probably have some explosive spells too. And what happened in Olivander's? I'd say that was pretty powerful. I mean, did you see how fast that wand wanted to get to you?"

"You have a point," I admitted. "But Fred, do you think it has something to do with your wand specifically? It was when I waved your wand that my wand came to me."

"You also have a point. It usually doesn't work when you use other people's wands."

"Then did I get the wrong wand?"

"No, Olivander said that there was no question about it. That wand is your wand. There's no use in questioning it, Olivander is the best in the business. If he can't get it right, no one can."

"But Fred, why was it your-"

"Fred! Marissa!"

I saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, George, Percy, Ron, my mother and father heading toward us.

"We've been searching for you two for ages," Ron groaned.

"Where were you?" Mrs. Weasley asked in a scolding tone.

"At Olivander's," I said.

"Right," said George, with a hint of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes at him, annoyed with him always trying to catch me and Fred sneaking out on secret "dates".

"You didn't get your wands, did you?" my mom asked, dissapointed. "I wanted to be there to see you!"

"Well," my father said. "Tell us all about it."

Fred and I relayed our experience at Olivander's to the group. As I looked around at their faces I saw a mixture of furrowed eyebrows and wide pupils. When we were done with our story, Ron, George, and Percy erupted into a chorus of "Cool!" "Wicked!" and "That's impossible!" But as I looked at the parents, I saw them exchange glances.

"Okay, okay," my dad said, ushering everyone along. Jokingly he added, "We have to get to Flourish and Blotts before they run out of textbooks!"

As our group headed off in the direction of Flourish and Blotts, I saw my parents exchange one final glance before going on their way.

There were so many things that happened these past couple of days that confused and amazed me. Turning the slender black wand in my hand, I remembered that Olivander hadn't told me what my wand was made of. Oh well, next year I could ask him when we went back to Diagon Alley. Even though I was perplexed by these past three days, I was excited to see what the future held, and I wasn't going to stop solving the mystery of my life.

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