Chapter 21

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~Fred's POV~

Trying to sleep on Christmas Eve that year was one of the hardest things I've ever hand to do. They say that it's the most wonderful time of the year. For me, at least in my third year, it was terrifying.

The images of the night before kept rolling around and around in my head. The feelings of alarm and dread would not go away.

It was around three-thirty the night before Christmas Eve when there was tapping on the window of my dormitory. I got up in bed to see what the commotion was. Outside was Marissa's owl, Corvus. She had a letter in her talons. It was blood-red, and I recognized it as a Howler.

Marissa was really something. Who else would send me a Howler this early in the morning?

I opened the window to take the Howler from Corvus, the chilly winter air stinging my face. Once the letter was safely in my hands, I gave her an affectionate pat on the head and she flew off into the night.

George and Lee weren't awake, and the other two boys in our dormitory had not stayed for Christmas. I certainly did not want my twin and our best friend to witness me opening a Howler from a girl, especially Marissa, so I left the room in my pajamas. The jokes from them would never stop if they found me opening a Howler from her.

I silently padded my way down to the common room and sat down in a big armchair. I pried the letter open, bracing myself for the howling, but also eagerly anticipating a message from the striking green-eyed girl.

"Fred, George, or anyone."

My stomach dropped at the sound of her voice. Not like usual, when I was filled with elation. I was scared for Marissa. Her voice was shaking and it sounded like she was... fading. It wasn't her usual lilting voice.

"I'm dying. Get down here to my dormitory and carry me up to the infirmary."

At that I didn't think, I just acted. I ran out of the Gryffindor common room, through the portrait hole, and down to the dungeons. There was a bit of a run-in with Peeves, but he was easily sidetracked. George, myself and the Bloody Baron were the only ones that could really control him.

I was bloody thankful that Marissa had told me the Slytherin common room password for the Holidays. I had never said the word 'parseltongue' so fast in my life.

The sight of her shaking in a lump on the cold floor of the dungeons would have been enough to make me cry. But I had to be brave. I picked the light girl off the floor with surprising ease. I had never been that strong myself, but I think it was adrenaline that had allowed me to carry her all the way to the infirmary.

Some sort of special magic was coursing through her veins. The moment she waved her hand I felt wind brush my face. Then the portraits flew off the walls. She had power I could only dream of.

When we had finally reached the infirmary and Snape said that she was near death, my heart started pounding. Hearing her voice in the Howler, I knew she was dying, but actually hearing if out loud made me ten times more scared than I already was.

Marissa was valuable. She had a purpose. I didn't know what but she. Had. To. Live.

I saw her drink the potion and then drift off. When Madam Pomfrey was sure she was asleep, Snape whisked me off to bed. Of course I did not sleep.

I didn't sleep on Christmas Eve either. Marissa would wake up in a couple hours. Or she could be dead. I wouldn't know because Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let me see her. And it was killing me.

Snape made if very clear that I was to tell no one about what happened to Marissa. I was to tell anyone who asked that she was sick with a very bad flu. It wasn't that hard of a secret to keep because I kept to myself all of Christmas Eve. Georgie could tell something was wrong, but I told him I was just tired. He wasn't buying it, but he left me alone.

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