Chapter 5

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No one's pov:

"Hey neville..." Harry said smiling towards Neville who had just caught them kissing. Harry was still very close to draco which made Neville's jaw drop even further. "You-" he pointed at harry. "Him?" He pointed at draco.

Harry looked at draco for confirmation that he could tell Neville, draco just nodded. "Yes Neville" was all he had to say for neville to understand.

He paused for a second before saying, "fuck i owe minnie 5 galleons!". That made the couple go as red as Ron's hair. "You bet on us?!" Was all that harry could get out. "Yeah well, when you skip dinner and then don't turn up for breakfast of course we were gonna bet on you" Harry just stood shocked and draco stood with a smirk on his face.

"Told you they'd suspect something, if we skip lunch they'll think I've either kidnapped you or we're intensely fucking" draco said chuckling. Harry just didn't reply, still as red as rons hair and just turned to pull neville into the great hall. Leaving draco outside alone.

As soon as harry walked in whispers exploded everywhere. He could made some out but the others were just muffled. Some of the ones he heard was "where's professor malfoy", "i heard that someone saw them kissing yesterday" and the best one was "is that a hickey on his neck".

With the last comment harry smacked his hand onto his neck to cover any hickeys that draco left from the night prior. He sat down on one of the two free seats as Neville already chose his. He sat on the one closest to McGonagall. Though between her and harry there was sprout ,harry could still make out her smirk as Neville handed her 5 galleons.

About 5 minutes later draco walked into the hall and whispers erupted like a volcano exploding. Draco walked up to the teachers table and sat down next to harry. Taking advantage of everyone whispering and watching their table, draco whispered into Harry's ear. "I think they saw the marks i left you with."

With that harry went bright red and draco chuckled and started eating his lunch. Everyone in the hall was whispering about the interaction, mostly because they were teachers and kids are nosey little shits but also because they were rivals all throughout hogwarts.

Soon enough lunch was over and kids started filling out of the hall but most of the teachers waited, not wanting to be trampled by any kids.

Harry, draco and Nevile were all talking when McGonagall came up to them. "I've got to say harry, not the best choice, but if dumbledore was still alive id owe him 10 galleons" she said chuckling making harry go bright red.

They all had a chat and ended up making their way to the staff room so no students could eves drop of their conversation. They all sat down with some tea and biscuits, draco and harry sitting together on a sofa, McGonagall on an arm chair and neville sitting on another sofa but only taking up half the room.

"I'm just saying, the fourth years up are going to be all up in your business tomorrow during lessons! Honestly I'm so glad my partner doesn't work here!" Neville said chuckling making harry and draco laugh as well but McGonagall raise an eyebrow.

"You're seeing someone now mr.longbottom? I thought you were still eyeing poor old mr.zabini up and down like a tiger" she said taking a sip from her tea. (there's going to be a lot of tea drinking in this story) Harry and Draco shared a look that basically said 'he's fucked'.

"Go on nev, why don't you tell minnie here who your dating, instead of eyeing blaise up and down like a tiger" harry said smirking at Neville. Even though him and neville were friends he still loved a bit of banter, he never crossed the line made between friends (whether it's a agreed or not it's there) but it was a bit of friendly banter. However Neville on the other hand hated the banter, it wasn't a hate where he'd get mad at it but it was a hate where he'd make sarcastic jokes like 'haha funny' or 'well done Harold, that's such a good joke'.

What drove harry made was when Neville called him Harold. Even though it wasn't his name at all neville found it absolutely hilarious for absolute no reason. And it drove harry mad.

"Haha funny harold" he said pulling a face at harry. "But uhm yes, minnie" he gulped slightly before starting again. "Uhm actually I'm dating Blaise" he said hesitantly.


This is not a completed chapter but i have stopped writing for this story as i don't have the motivation.

I'm currently working on another story called 'wrapped around his finger' it's a jegulus story as i am currently in my marauders era and when you join the marauders you never go back (i tried a couple months ago and failed miserably)

So my apologies but this story is discontinued

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