Emoji speech

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Myra: 😌😝🏔🍓🏙🍑🔃📢🎼

Ryan: 🇬🇧💅🤡🍆🌽🏝☎️🇧🇪😘

Dude. What the actual fuck does that even mean.

This isn't a 'guess the emoji' youtube video honey, this is a book you're writing and there are thousands, nay, millions possibilities of things to write and you go with emojis.

*insert sounds of disgust*

What kind of unimaginative mush is floating around in your head for you to even think of doing that. No excuse to use emojis on their own, no plot or actual story and the second I see the first little 🍒 or whatever, I'm throwing myself out the nearest window.

Also, while we're here, let's talk about script writing.

In a book.

Where it's obviously not a script.

Exhibit A:

Tina: Look, there he is now! Hi Kyle!

Tina and Mary are staring at Kyle who turns around.

Kyle: Oh. Hi guys *waves*


Unless this book is a text story one which are kinda cool and are actually intended to be written like that, it'll take all my strength to not leave a snarky comment about the lazy story-writing and click off the book without setting myself on fire.

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