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As Alexis wakes up she is the blinded by a light before seeing she is in a box surrounded by a group of boys.

"What is it?" A boy asks.

"It's a girl." A blonde boy asks as he jumps down into the box beside Alexis causing her to move away from him.

"A girl!?" A boy shouts.

"Is she hot?" A boy asks.

"I call dibs." A boy says.

"Enough you shanks! Easy now. None of us are going to hurt you. My name is Newt. Are you alright?" The male says.

"Yes." Alexis says nervously as she is keeping her eyes on him.

"Alright then. Now let me help you up. Hey Gal give me a hand." Newt says as a blonde male steps close to the edge of the cage as Alexis let's them help her out.

"Well greenie. Welcome to your first day." A blonde haired male in a dark shirt says as he helps Alexis out of the box the rest of the way before Alexis kicks him hard between his leg making him go down before she takes off running.

"We got ourselves a runner!" A male shouts.

"Catch her Minho!" Another male shouts as Alexis looks behind to see Asian male chasing her and quickly catching up before Alexis easily out runs him and shifts to wolf form making a dash for a nearby tower she sees.

"Holy klunk! Did you guys just see that!? That girl turned into a wolf!" A boy shouts.

"What the hell is she!?" Another male shouts as Alexis shifts to human form and climbs up the tower before looking down seeing the makes gathering around the bottom causing Alexis to back up to the corner and pull out a dagger from her boot upon hearing someone climbing up.

"Whoa now easy!" Minho says as he comes up but stops in his tracks seeing Alexis pointing a dagger at him.

"Where am I and what the hell is this place? Why am I here!? Where is my pack!?" Alexis asks angrily.

"Just take it easy. Those are normal questions and.. wait did you just say pack? So you remember more than just your name green bean?" Minho asks.

"Stop calling my that! It isn't my name! My name is Alexis." Alexis says angrily.

"That's a pretty name. Look let's just put the blade down okay. If you'll let me I can explain for the most part. If you'll tell me what you know. There now. See? I'm not so bad now am I." Minho asks as Alexis hesitantly gives him her dagger.

"I beg to differ right now." Alexis says sourly.

"Fair enough. Now that I don't have to worry about you cutting me I'll explain." Minho says as Alexis looks at him unsurely.


"I see you talked the greenie into coming down. Nice work Minho." A male says as he smiles and walks over with a blonde haired boy as Alexis climbs down the tower with Minho.

"No problem Alby. Green bean this is Alby. He's the first in command. The one next to him is Newt." Minho says as Alexis looks at the boys.

"I'm Arby's second in command. Though I'm only in charge when he's not around greenie." Newt says.

"Can you stop calling me that please. I done told you my name is Alexis. So please refrain from calling me that." Alexis says annoyedly.

"You remember your name? That was fast." Alby says in surprise.

"Tell me about it. But she remembers more than that." Minho says.

"She does?" Newt asks.

"Nothing helpful though." Minho says.

"Interesting but don't worry Alexis. We just call the newbies that. It'll stop eventually. Minho I'm gonna borrow Alexis from you for a while. Show her around. Minho you and Newt get back to work." Alby says.

"Right. Come on Minho. You heard him." Newt says as he walks off.

"I'll see you later Alexis." Minho says as he walks off as Alby gestures for Alexis to follow him as she nervously follows him.


"We eat here, we sleep here, we grow our own food, and we build our own shelter. Whatever we need the box provides. The rest is up to us." Alby says.

"You mean the box I came up in?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah. They send it up once a month with fresh supplies and a new greenie. This month that's you." Alby says.

"Why would they put us here? Why would they take our memories though? Minho said you guys remember very little compared to me." Alexis says as she looks at Alby.

"That puzzles us too but we also never expected a wolf shifter to come up through the box either especially one almost as large as a horse. But from what Minho said you only remember your pack getting attacked when you were taken. Everything else after is blank. So we can't really answer any questions like that at the moment. Anyways I'm sorry to rush things but you came up late. We got a lot to do. Got something special planned tonight. You'll see. Anyways you've already been up the look out tower so I know you're not afraid of heights. Follow me." Alby says as Alexis follows him towards the tower.


"It's not much but it's all we got. We worked hard for it. You respect this place and you'll get on just fine." Alby says as he is is looking out on the glade with Alexis.

"What's beyond those doors?" Alexis asks seeing large doors.

"Listen Alexis we only have three rules. First do your part. No time for any freeloaders. Second never harm another glader. None of this works without trust which is why I'm not saying anything about you pulling a dagger on Newt and kicking Gally earlier because I know you were scared when you came up. A lot of people were scared when they come so it's normal. And most importantly never go beyond those walls. Do you understand me Alexis?" Alby asks as he looks at Alexis.

"I understand but I want out of here. I have a home and pack to get back to. I will respect your rule to not go beyond those walls because I am not a leader here like I was in my pack but that won't stop me from looking around elsewhere for a way out. I promised them I would be alright and come back. I can't break that promise. I've lost too much to do that." Alexis says.

"I doubt you'll find a way out. We've had no luck and have been here longer than you but if you wish to try you're welcome to just as long as you remember our rules here. Now I'm gonna get back to work. You're welcome to take a look around. I'll take you later to carve your name into the wall." Alby says as he goes down the tower.

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