A Loose End

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     He sat and pondered, he didn't like loose ends. He didn't like not knowing what was going on and he hadn't been able to figure this one out on his own.
He was going to have to look.

     Why would someone create a hybrid Timelord out of a flawed being? As if there weren't enough flawed Timelords already, his brain reminded him, loneliness​? He already knew, unfortunately, the fate of his own species, could that have been enough to make a subsequent regeneration do something so wildly irresponsible? He could ask him- as if motivation mattered. No, better to go to the root of the tree and see if it was poisoned, there was no hand of Fenric in this, but someone's hand was. In his experience wormholes didnt create themselves quite so conveniently.
This was going to be awkward- he knew the events from her mind, her perspective- there was going to be another one of him there, Torchwood he could avoid, himself not so much.

     "Ah- I've been expecting you." said the thin man in the blue suit, caught mid-program at the console as the two Tardis' meshed,
"You know why then?"
"It wasn't me." the thin, dark eyed man glared at him, "I wasn't even going to go, until the human said something."
"The timeline- her timeline?"
"Potentially ended. A closed paradox loop." That is what he'd feared, "This is risky," his younger regeneration snapped, "dangerous."
"My rresponsibility." he averred,
"All of our reponsibilitys'!"
"She already exists in your timeline- what other impacts is she going to have?"
The thin man frowned, "Alright, I'll try and point her in the right direction."
The seventh Doctor reached for the panel to desynch the Tardis', "I knew you were there, by the way." said the thin man,
Seven glared at him, "Then why all this?"
"It was your decision to make." He said.

     He swapped his dark jacket for a white coat, put a few selected items in his pockets and leaving the hat and umbrella, went to watch the mayhem unfold. The tech in and around the pillared cubicle was innovative, almost remarkable, for a human of this period. He brought up the program and began digging into the code- more from morbid curiosity, it wasn't anything he could stop. The instability the treatment was likely to cause was wildly dangerous, the harmonic phase used to stabilise the DNA post treatment had some odd peaks, he didn't think it would stabilise. Somebody had designed this little flaw in. As this whole building was owned by the Lazarus Institute he decided on a series of logic bombs on a little seeker algorithm, to find the data wheresoever it should hide, lab, cloud or stick, to be triggered by the little transmitter connected to his Tardis. He stripped off the lab coat and faded into the background of the party, the opening of the wormhole would need to be precise.

     It grieved him when the death's happened- the woman sucked dry of life energy as she stared in disbelief at the monster that had been Professor Lazarus, the man who tripped and fell and became food, he saw his other self leading the slavering monster away and his companion and Kate, his Kate, hustling the laggards in the crowd out of there. Then Torchwood arriving, shooting, being chased, Kate shoving a woman from it's path then through the door behind the rest of Torchwood, then the explosion. He triggered the wormhole, and then he waited while the equipment burned.

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