[23] mastermind

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both options i'm holding up to show sira are two different approaches.

one was a mini dress with cutouts under the breasts with diamond straps and lining and the other one is a corset top and mini skirt. "i say the corset and skirt." i was thinking so too. the dress could be worn on a much better occasion.

"so... the kiss?" i told her to not mention it in the car because all of us got a ride from ferran to their place to get ready here before we head out again. "it was a peck."

"it still happened!"

i truly wish i could tell her but how would i put it?

i did it out of pure joy and what he did is something i still didn't understand. "sira, would i be crazy if... if i said i might have the slightest feelings for gavi?"

my hand slaps my mouth so hard and my words have never rung so loud in my head.


i shush her when the knock at the door stops our conversation.

"can we come in?" it was ferran and gavi who's voices matched. i ask sira to zip up my skirt in the back before they could open the door. "okay, now you can." i hear the door open but i'm also too busy trying to look for the platform boots. "we heard sira yelling so we knew it must've been important."

i finally turn around only for gavi to already be looking at me and i say hi to the two.

sira's stuff is all over the bed so i take a seat on the small chairs in the room instead to put my shoes on. "it was nothing. right, sira?"

i could not be more stupid to hand her the question.

"yeah, everything if just fine." she elongates the h in yeah and e in fine. ferran loves that woman to death so he knows when she's lying. my lips form into a line after struggling for a bit before i see gavi kneel in front of me. "here, let me."

he lightly moves my hands aside and i pick my head up to meet his soft gaze.

i'm doing it again.

every time i look into his eyes i can't help but get lost in them and then i think too much on what i have for him.

there are butterflies in my stomach to say the least.

he zipped them up and i hadn't even realized. i must've been staring the whole time because as he gets up, i look too sira and ferran and they have the biggest smiles on their face which makes them a bright red.

though, ferrans phone chimes and he tells us the rest of the team is heading out.

"i will not show up after marcos, let's go!"

gavi puts his hand out for me after getting back up and i grab on only to yank him and start running down the stairs after i saw that ferran already had the keys and ran with sira.

"i'll never understand how you guys do that in heels." platforms are so much easier, too.

we're downstairs and i grab my leather jacket because it's been drizzling since before the game and sira locks the door behind us after gavi takes my hand again down the brick stairs outside. "how come you don't wanna show up after marcos, anyways?"

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