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"Heyyyyyyyyyy~" you said trying to look manly.

"Yess?" Knockout looked at you while holding a data-pad.

"I would be honored if you would join me for a movie at the drive in theaters.." you spoke dramatically while having one of the drones throw rose petals.

Knockout let out a chuckle before getting on one knee and holding his hand out for you to climb on.

"Oh I would be delighted! But if I may ask what type of movie?" Knockout asked with a smile while making his way off the nemesis.

"A horror movie! And we should be the first ones there!" you said smiling like a gremlin.

Knockout hummed in response and quickly transformed into his alt mode having you in the drivers seat buckled in, he began to drive off going way above the speed limit.

He ended up getting distracted by seeing people street race and would join in for the fun of it, you were really impressed that you won first place but people weren't happy and tried to grab at you.

"DRIVE KNOCKOUT DRIVE, THEY WANT TO RUIN YOUR PAINT JOB" you yelled while stepping on his gas peddle.

"I JUST GOT MY PAINT FIXED THEY BETTER NOT" knockout yelled before driving even faster to the theater as the sun was setting pretty fast.

You drove up to the booth after getting knockout back on track over 20 times.

"....HOW THE FRICK DO YOU HAVE A LUXURY CAR OR WHATEVER TYPE OF CAR THAT IS....ARE YOU RICH OR SOMETHING?" the guy asked feeling like he should just stop trying already.

" I said the many times before with all the other stuff I used to get here......" you said while taking in a huge puff of air.

"DON'T QUESTION MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" You yelled while knockout drove to find a good spot to watch the horror film.


As you guys went street racing you ended up crashing into a wall because knockout zoned out for 0.5 seconds.

As you guys were leaving the nemesis you guys saw starscream dancing in his was pretty awkward but you filmed it and sent it to knockout.

When you guys were street racing bumblebee came out of no where and screamed "I HAVE FREE CANDYYYYY", it scared the scrap out of you and knockout.

Once you guys walked away from the dancing starscream, you guys saw megatron eating energon like he was depressed as soundwave looked down with life as he really didn't care what Megatron had to say.

You threw the prize from winning and ended up putting someone in the ER.... you don't know how but you did..

When you first asked knockout you accidentally choked on a rose petal.

When you asked knockout a second time he didn't hear you as he was trying to help a drone live which made you upset and scream at him making him confused.

The drive through (Transformers Edition)Where stories live. Discover now