We'll get out of here together💔

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A/N: Sorry if I'm not good at writing this is kinda new to me so here you guys go and if I made any mistakes fell free to tell me so I can fix it! Also in this au Vance and Bruce ready know each other

Bruce's POV:
I woke up to my annoying ass alarm going off and tiredly turning it off to get ready for my baseball game. I got up tiredly and got ready."BRUCE COME ON ITS TIME TO GO!" I heard my dad yell so I ran down stairs with my stuff. I got in the car as I heard my dad say something"sorry I can't pick you after the game would you be fine with walking back" "it's fine I'll walk after" I said" alright" he said.

Vances POV:
I woke up remembering Bruce's baseball game is today. I got ready and walked downstairs to see my mom making breakfast. "Where you going?" She asked "friends game" "Well do you want me to drop you off? " "no it's fine I'll walk" I said walking out the house.

Time skip (cuz I'm lazy)

Bruce's pov:
(Look don't get mad at me cuz idk anything about baseball 😭) I was made a home run as I saw vance. I smilled at him with him doing the same.

After the game

Bruce's pov:
After the game I saw saw vance and ran to him giving him a hug. I pulled away looking at him with a slight tint of pink across his face to"So do you want to walk back with me? " " sure " I said.He was quite most of the walk which was weird. "Hey-"(Moms pov: bitch so I made all this food for nothing)

Vances pov:
We started walking as we saw a black van driving towards us. It stopped in for the of us with an ugly ass man came out." Hey-" Bruce was about to say something until the man asked us some thing"Do you guys wanna see a magic trick? " that bitch said. "Umm Sure" Bruce said the he pulled out black balloons. "WAIT-" I said grabbing his wrists but by that time he grabbed him spraying something in his mouth. I punched him in the face but then sprayed the stuff into my mouth and then I backed out.

SO what did you guys think?

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