Chapter 6- Panther

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Shane coughed, his mind whirling, his vision blurred. It was dark, too dark to see anything other then the outlines of a figure in front of him. "" Shane muttered as pain shot through his wrists as he tried to move his arms. He could barely see the outline of cuffs on his wrists, attached to chains on he wall. The figure in front of him laughed before saying "I couldn't even help you if I tried."
Shane lay back, his breaths harsh as he breathed in the dusty moist air.
"Where.. am I?" He mumbled loud enough for the other guy to hear. The sound of fur dragging agansist stone was the only sound the figure made. He sighed before yawning. "The dungeon~" He said mockingly, chuckling. He made a meow sound as the loud clank of his head hitting the wall rolled through the small space.
Shane sat up, looking over at him.
"Your a.. cat?" Shane questioned, breathing deeply.
The guy laughed, before roaring "I'm a panther dumbass!".
Shane stared into the darkness as light began slowly filtering through a bared window in the wall. Shane looked over, seeing tails and legs walk past busily.
"The dungeon where?"
The panther sighed, ruffling his now noticeable black hair. "The Kingdom of Questions," He said sarcastically "Or at least its going to be if you keep asking them!"
Shane sighed as light shot across the room in beams, lighting up the dungeon. When Shane's eyes adjusted to the sudden change, his glance locked on the panther. The panther's hair was jet black, and curled over the top of his eyes. His eyes were like rubys, beautiful and bright red. He wore a ripped black shirt, with a white vest and tie over it. He formed himself in a way so that he had ears and a tail like most common people did. He smirked as he noticed Shane looking him over.
"Like what you see?" He said, licking his fangs. Shane glanced away awkwardly.
"Cause I sure as hell do~"
Shane looked down at his wrists, flustered by the comment. His wrists were bloody from the cuffs, and stung like fire. The sound of shoes made Shane look up, as he saw Ventus walking down the hall towards the cell.
"Ventus!" Shane yelled, happy to see another face. "Ventus help! I- I have been locked away I don't-"
Ventus slammed his fist into the metal bars of the cell, his blue eyes gleaming.
"Shut up, Shane." He growled, before opening the cell. The panther smiled as Ventus entered, his smile turning to a sly smirk.
"Ah, Ventus? I didn't recognize you... Last time i saw you you weren't wearing that armour.. you weren't wearing anything actually-"
Ventus growled again, before walking over to Shane and undoing his cuffs. The young guard then helped Shane to his feet.
"Prince Shane, I am sorry for being so rude. The Queen informed us that Belladonna had tried to take over your mind. We couldn't tell if she succeded, so we had to lock you up." Shane nodded slowly, holding on to Ventus for support.
Ventus lead Shane over to the cell door and let him hold on to it as he went and in cuffed the panther. The black haired boy smirked and whispered somehing into Ventus's ear which he ignored. Vents then led the two out of the dungeons and into the main hall of the castle, where he made them stand in the center.
Shane almost fell as Venus retreat end away, but stood up straight. Two girls then walked down the side staircases leading to the center, stopping at the bottom.
"Prince Shane!" The White haired girl called, her brown eyes sparkling. The black haired girl restrained her from running forward.
"Thief and Rouge Nocturnal" The black haired girl called, her red eyes dark.
"You have been brought here today to receive the most honorable request anyone could ever offer!" The two yelled at the same time.
"You are now,"

"Knights of the Kingdom of Dreams!"

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