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It'z me, hi

(im the problem itz me)

I have like a little bit of idea to write some random conversations/short stories but Ik i'll give up on them if I continue the story for a long time soooooo 

one shots :) (the best solution fr)

I dont have any dedication to updating this book (yet) so no promises if I update or not. Maybe it'll remain untouched for a year just like my marvel fanfic (im sorry if u were waiting for an update for that one- )

Also I feel like i'm pretty much inspired by sad stuff so some of these might have implications of death and stuff like that i guess so if ur not comfortable plz dont read thanks xoxo

If you have any *sparkle* requests *sparkle* just comment it and I will write it :D (unless its suspicious or if it's pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows)

Stay healthy, happy and safe! I luv ya lotz <33333333

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